Principal's Message

Good afternoon parents and carers,


We have had an extremely busy end to Term 3 with a number of significant events over the last fortnight. The P&F Spring Fair was back in full swing with beautiful weather and a large crowd of visitors. On behalf of the whole school community I would like to thank Scott Antees and all the hard working and dedicated members of the St Philomena's P&F for their commitment to ensuring our community had the opportunity to once again come together for the Spring Fair. Thank you to all our parents, students and staff for getting behind such an important event for the school.


Grandparents Day was a wonderful celebration for our community. It was a joy to have so many families join us for Mass and celebrate the great work of our students during classroom visits.


On September 12 and 13,  St Philomenas’ hosted a Professional Learning event as The Armidale Diocese welcomed back our long-time learning partner Dr Lyn Sharratt with sessions on assessment literacy and data. Learning walks and talks were conducted in some of our excellent learning spaces with leaders and teachers sharing their experiences and knowledge.


This week we farewell Father Damien from our community as he moves to his new appointment. Father Damien has contributed significantly to the faith journey of our students and staff through celebrating Mass with us regularly and through the work he has begun on Youth Ministry. We will miss father Damien and wish him well in his new appointment.


Over the break I hope that families have the opportunity to spend time together and that students and staff enjoy a restful break from the busyness of school and return ready for the final term of the year. I look forward to seeing everyone return safely in the new term.


God bless,


Richard Clark

Acting Principal