Science students shared, discovered and explored the exciting world of science in their core and elective classes. They discussed, created and invented throughout their science topics of Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Psychology. This year students have had the opportunity to participate in a wide range of teaching and learning activities beyond the classroom. 


Big Science Competition

Forty-Five students competed in an Australian Science Competition, a national enrichment program for secondary science students. It provides rewarding opportunities for students to extend themselves through a challenging exam. 


Congratulations to the students below who received a Credit or Distinction.

Credit: Charlotte Garrett, Lincon Hancock, Natalia Althorp, Kruz Tucker & Aaron Stewart

Distinction: Tyler Lovell, Declan Beech, Riley McIntosh


Science Week 

National Science Week provides an opportunity to acknowledge the contributions of Australian scientists to the world of knowledge. It also aims to encourage younger people to be fascinated by the world we live in.  This week gave a chance for our junior science classes to participate in some fun science activities. This year’s theme was ‘Innovation: Powering Future Industries’. 


Year 7 students participated in two workshops run by Burra Foods. Workshop 1 was Glitter Bugs and was an insight into the importance of health and safety linked to hygiene practices like washing your hands. Workshop 2 was butter making. Students had fun shaking jars of cream until it became butter. This was then taken home for our families to enjoy.


Year 8 students explored a science art gallery in Melbourne and then participated in two workshops at the Gene Technology Access Centre. They investigated bacteria and the effects on the body using state of the art technologies. All students made it out of the ‘Dark Matters’ themed escape rooms successfully solving the puzzles.


Year 9 students presented at their local primary school sharing their passion for science. The students had the challenge of designing mini science activities that they taught Grade 1 & 2 students. They created a science expo that was informative, interactive and fun. The grand finale was firing water rockets.


Year 10 students had a visit from a local pyrotechnic expert. Students in class ran a range of chemical experiments displaying energy production. This was scaled up with demonstrations of a range of fireworks and water barrel explosions. Science week literally exploded! 


From all reports the students had a ‘blast’.


Science Excursions & Incursions

Year 10 Science students applied their physics skills at the Grand Prix. F1 is the most technologically advanced sport in the world and at its heart is the relentless pursuit of innovation. It was against this backdrop that students were inspired to pursue their interests in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) and understand the diverse pathways and careers the motorsport industry can offer. Latter in the year these students ‘Solved and environmental crime’ at GTAC using their crime solving and genetics skills.


The Applied Science class participated in the ‘Getting into Genes’ program with RACE. They had a guest speaker and mentor from Total Livestock share about careers and agriculture and how genomics is being used by farmers. Students analysed cattle data and designed their own heard. They then visited a farm to see the heard that they had been studying and see the technology in place to monitor dairy cattle. This was followed by completing the ‘Cows Creates Careers Program’ which allowed students to care for two calves over a period of three weeks and complete a major project to enter a competition. Congratulations to Tanner Walker and Jordan Foote who won the Regional Seniors division with their project on farm safety.      


VCE students prepared themselves with the skills to be successful in school assessed coursework and exams by immersing themselves in further learning activities. Biology students in Year 11 and 12 visited the Gene Technology Access Centre. They completed transformation experiments, prenatal and predictive testing using gene technology, investigated cell function using microscopy imaging and respond to pathogens generating immunity in a laboratory. 


What a great year for Science!