Reflection on English and Literacy in 2023 at Korumburra Secondary College

As we reflect on the year, it seems fitting to acknowledge those who have made it so wonderful. As English Domain Leader I would like to thank the amazing English team who have worked so hard to support the students’ growth throughout their studies. We are fortunate here at KSC to have such a dedicated and passionate team of English teachers who know their students well and care about them holistically. I would like to acknowledge the passion and commitment demonstrated by the English teaching team. Lots of work happens outside of the classroom and I think it’s important to recognise this. I would also like to offer thanks to those who enhance our school in the work that they do; our Librarian Andrea Jenkin has made our new library an inviting sanctuary, constantly refreshing the shelves with new tales to explore. We are also fortunate to have a team of support staff working with classes and providing extra helping hands. I would like to acknowledge their contribution to the success of our students. 


It is also important to recognise that many students have made impressive progress this year. It is a pleasure to see students from Term One in Year Seven, all the way through to the last stages of Year Twelve, work hard and engage in their classes. I would encourage all students to keep working hard and continue to ask for help. Always aim for progress not perfection. English is an iterative skill, and one that even as teachers, we are continuing to learn about. Writing and re-writing, editing, drafting, practising and reviewing are all part of the process. 


The Year Seven Teaching Team this year consisted of Ms Kennedy, Mrs Fawaz, Mr Churchill, Mrs Anthony and myself. We started the year with camp and got to know each other. We also survived our first NAPLAN as a cohort and found our place at KSC. Well done Year Sevens on thriving in your first year of secondary schooling!


In Year Eight, students were fortunate to work with Ms Reymers, Ms Hunter, Mr Churchill, Ms Kennedy, Mr Coglin and Mrs Anthony. Mainstream classes worked on the novel Trash, while Like Minds explored the key ideas of To Kill A Mockingbird among many other units of work. Year 8 Activate was introduced, which gave students yet another mode of learning to pursue. 


Year Nine was also action packed with an early NAPLAN timetable and a wonderful teaching team consisting of: Ms Kennedy, Mr Blake, Ms Reymers and Mrs Anthony. Year 9 Activate was introduced, further enabling students to work independently, and, catering to the learning needs of all. Students studied Shakespeare, media texts and shared their ideas on issues and themes. 


Working hard in Year Ten this year was Mr Coglin, Ms Patterson, Ms Hunter and myself as students began making decisions about their futures. We started the year exploring key life events and ended with exploring the theme of survival. It was brilliant to see students further develop their communication skills as they engage with the world of work and academia. 


For the first time, VCE was split into two pathways: the Vocational Major and the more conventional VCE. The VM students studying Literacy applied their skills to the workplace and to planning group projects, while mainstream English students worked hard on creative, personal and analytical writing and reading. The Literacy students were led by Ms Reymers and Mrs Anthony; Ms Kennedy and I worked with the mainstream VCE English classes. 


The VCE subject of English Language was hugely popular at Year Eleven and Twelve with students enjoying the opportunity to work with Mrs Patterson and Mr Blake in exploring language acquisition, its development and getting into the science and sociology of language. It is so exciting that at a relatively small school, our students have so many options. 


It has been my joy and good fortune to work with such wonderful students, staff and community during the course of 2023. So on behalf of the English Domain, thank you!


Ms Cathy Ferguson, English Domain Leader.

Cathy Ferguson
Cathy Ferguson