It has been an excellent year for the maths domain at Korumburra Secondary College with many engaging classroom activities taking place. The broad range of learning opportunities, along with our likeability class groupings allowed every student to access mathematical concepts that were at their individual learning level.


Likeability class groupings are unique to our school and continued to allow students to show significant growth. During the year we were able to monitor each student’s growth using the ACER and Renaissance testing data. This data also allowed our maths teachers to identify areas of strength and areas of improvement so they could target each students’ individual needs.


In the middle school maths program, students participated in hands on learning, group activities and open-ended investigations. Some of the highlights were the Cat and Mouse activity (year 9), create your own dartboard common assessment task (Year 8) and collecting real data from across the school and using this data to prepare statistical reports (Year 7 and 10).


2023 saw a new study design come out for VCE and VM. All students engaged well with the new VCE curriculum that included a new subject, Units 1-4 Foundation Mathematics. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the Maths VCE teachers for their tireless efforts to ensure the new study designs were rolled out effectively.


I would also like to extend a thank you to all the maths teachers this year. The support that was shown to plan extra classes and work as a team really showed our teams dedication to ensuring every student had the opportunity to participate in engaging mathematical learning opportunities throughout the entire year was fantastic.


Mr Mahoney

Toby Mahoney
Toby Mahoney