Student Well-being 

Year Prep  Community


The Year Preps have been working through the Cyber Safety Project Wellbeing Lessons.

This week, they were Kindness Warriors!


We had wonderful meaningful discussions about how kindness is contagious. Being kind to another person makes them feel good, which in turn  motivates them to act kindly too.


The children spoke about how when they are kind to their friends it makes them feel good inside as well! So overall, being kind is great for everyone involved!


The children moved around the room to have 'kindness conversations.' They used the sentence starter 'You are kind when....'


It was so heartwarming to hear the children sharing the reasons why the other person is kind like...


'You are kind when you help me unpack my bag'


'You are kind when you let me play with you'


'You are kind when you help me with my work when I don't know what to do!'




Lauren Borg

Student Well-being Leader