Digital Learning

Resources to support families and students to be safe and responsible digital citizens



Hi WPS Families, and welcome back!

Last week, students started to bring home the 2024 ICT Agreement. Many forms have been returned to classroom teachers with parent signatures. This is a reminder that students cannot access a digital device or the internet without a returned note. If your note is missing, please speak to your classroom teacher or you can find a copy at the office.


On Tuesday, Safer Internet Day was acknowledged right around the world. Our Willy Kids discussed what Safer Internet Day means through age-appropriate discussions. Our ICT Agreement was a key reference point for many year levels. This year, the theme was Connect, Reflect, Protect.


To read more on the importance of young people staying safe online please read some information from the eSafety Commission – Link Found Here 



Please remember that if you wish to pass a message on to students, don't hesitate to contact the office directly, and they will pass it on. Please avoid sending student iMessages during school hours.



Steven Puhar

Apps List 2024

Digital Statement

Williamstown Primary School acknowledges the recent Human Rights Watch report on Edutech in privacy violations and findings. 

Williamstown Primary works closely with the DET’s Digital Learning and privacy teams to ensure that all DET guidelines regarding the implementation of digital devices are followed.

Attached is the school’s digital statement outlining the online platforms and their privacy policies that the school uses on a day-to-day basis. 


As part of the school’s ongoing student education, the school will further enhance key understandings around user privacy, as well as the tools available on selected devices.

This will be embedded within the current school’s eSafety program that currently sees students undertake numerous digital workshops run by both school leadership, classroom teachers and external providers such as the Alannah and Madeline Foundation’s eSmart organisation.


Parents are advised of a key iPad feature to turn tracking off. This feature will be explicitly demonstrated to students within the school-based workshops.


Go to Settings > Privacy > Tracking.

The list shows the apps that requested permission to track you. You can turn permission on or off for any app on the list.

To stop all apps from asking permission to track you, turn off Allow Apps to Request to Track (at the top of the screen).

Williamstown Primary Digital Information

Below is a link to the schools Digital Learning page. This page contains key information about the school's implementation of the digital technology curriculum as a tool within a blended learning environment.


JB HiFi Digital Purchase Portal 2023/2024

The JB HiFi purchase portal is again available for Willy PS families. The schools recommended minimum specification device is the iPad Gen 9, but the portal does also offer a range of iPad models and accessories. Although students have access to bluetooth keyboards we also recommend the Smart Keyboard or a 3rd party keyboard incorporated within the cover. This accessory will add value to the users experience.

Please also note the change in School Code.

Although the portal is set up through JB HI-FI on behalf of the school, we encourage families to explore all purchase options.

School Code: WilliamstownPS2024




Further GoogleSuite for Education Information 

Please find attached documents released by DET.

The first document gives a deeper understanding of the DET licences G Suite for Education, how it is set up and how it differs from the public Google platform.

The second document provides families with supporting resources on how to protect individuals privacy online.


The Department of Education information pack for parents is available from the following link: