College Principal Report

Photo: Rebecca Howell Year 10 Acacia presenting Mr. Sykes with her artwork for display in his office. Thank you Rebecca!


As your newly appointed Principal, I am thrilled to pen my first newsletter to our vibrant community. The warm welcome I have received at both of our campuses has been quite incredible and it is a privilege to become a part of this dynamic educational community. At the outset, I extend my sincere welcome to everyone, especially our Year 7 and new students, families and staff. Your addition to our community marks the beginning of an exciting journey.


This year symbolises a significant phase for us at Keysborough College – a time for introspection and setting high standards. Our foundational values of Respect, Excellence and Diversity are not just words; they are the pillars on which we will further build a culture of high expectations and aspirations. It is through these values that we aim to foster an environment where every student thrives. This year, we will delve deep into our practices, aiming to refine and enhance our systems to improve student outcomes and specifically, achievements. I eagerly anticipate sharing our progress and engaging with you for your valuable insights. Throughout the year, this effort will align with the upcoming school review in early term 3, a process that occurs every four years and involves key stakeholders. This review will aid in developing a new School Strategic Plan for the forthcoming four years, setting a course for sustained improvement and success. 


As we proceed through the first term, I want to reiterate the significance of our school values. Every student is entrusted with the responsibility of contributing to a positive, safe, and inclusive atmosphere. Academic endeavours require dedication and open communication; I encourage students to give their very best in every task. 


To bolster our community’s efforts in upholding these standards, I take the opportunity to remind everyone of a few key policies:


Mobile Phones: In line with the with the State government’s directive, mobile phones are not permitted during school hours. Non-compliance will result in confiscation, with further actions, such as suspensions, taken as necessary. This policy is non-negotiable and ensures an undistracted learning environment for all. 


Commute Conduct: Our students’ behaviour, while commuting to and from school, directly reflects on our entire community. The pride many of our students show in wearing our uniform and behaving appropriately is appreciated and expected. On the rare instances that standards do not meet our Keysborough Community expectations, students are reminded that bus companies, shopping centres and peers all report back to the school for us to follow up on with their parents/ guardians. 


School Behaviour: A reminder to all students that our community’s standards and expectations are always in effect, guiding how we interact with one another. I’ve been particularly impressed by the widespread positive behaviour, highlighted by enthusiastic participation in school activities, sports, before and after school programs and the friendly exchanges I’ve experienced in my first month at the school. However, it’s crucial to remember that “the standard you walk past is the standard you accept.” This principle underlines our collective commitment to not tolerate behaviour that contradicts our values. To further reinforce this, we recently invited local police representatives to our Acacia campus. They provided valuable insights on the implications of incitement, the responsibilities associated with social media usage and legal consequences for failing to resolve conflicts appropriately. This educational session, in addition to school based consequences, underscores our dedication to maintaining a safe, respectful and law-abiding school environment.


Uniform Policy: The adherence to our uniform policy has been commendable. It is a testament to our students’ pride in their school identity. Please remember that the PE uniform is specifically for days students have physical education classes. For any uniform discrepancies, we ask for parent notes and we are able to assist families in need of uniform support. Reach out to school admin who will direct your call to support for uniform items. 


Traffic Considerations: To ease congestion during peak times, we recommend utilsing streets for parking. Please ensure the safety and accessibility of our school entrances and avoid double parking. 


Your support in these areas is crucial and greatly appreciated. The conversations and interactions I have had with many of you have been incredibly inspiring and a significant source of support. The commitment of our staff to fostering an environment of growth is evident and I am excited about the collaborative exploration of ideas aimed at enhancing student outcomes. 


In the coming weeks, I look forward to meeting more of our students through focus groups and informal interactions. It is essential that we collectively define what excellence means to us and devise strategies to achieve our shared goals. Excellence, a core value of our school, is not a one size fits all concept; it is a personal journey towards achieving one’s best. 


In closing, I am filled with optimism for the year ahead. Together, we will navigate the challenges and celebrate progress. I look forward to a year of hard work, growth, achievement and community.


Mr. Aaron Sykes

College Principal