From the Principal Team

Welcome to all students and families - returning and new.  It has been a great start to 2024 for students and staff. Our wonderful Parents & Friends association organised second hand uniform sales with many families being able to take advantage of the opportunity.  Thank you to the team of hard working parents who were on hand to help.


Breakfast Club is running.  Students are welcome to enjoy a free breakfast in Room 2 and the outdoor wellbeing areas Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8.15am to 8.30am. Thank you to Kelli Lawson for all the work involved in this important program. 


All parents will be sent invitations to receive Google Classroom summary pages – this is optional.


We welcome Lima Anjum (French) and Brendan Ireland (Facilities).

2024 Annual Implementation Plan

Goal 1: Improve the learning growth of all students.

KIS 1a: Embed a contextualized response to student learning  

KIS 1b: Develop staff capacity to activate student agency  

KIS 1c: Strengthen the guaranteed and viable curriculum


Our focus will be to:

  • Build staff capacity in the use of Universal Design for Learning to deliver high quality learning for all students.
  • Embed a school wide numeracy plan.
  • Support students to set clear goals for themselves and monitor their progress.
  • Ensure staff capacity to develop and maintain quality curriculum documentation.

Goal 2: Enhance wellbeing to support engagement and respectful relationships.

KIS 2a. Strengthen positive peer relationships

KIS2b: Embed social and emotional learning for all students

KIS2c: Promote relationships between staff and students that strengthen connectedness and engagement across the College


Our focus will be to:

  • Build a sense of belonging to GEC for all students. 
  • Create a classroom and school environment that promotes safety, trust and respect through a range of curriculum and co-curricular programs.

The Glen Eira 5

‘The Glen Eira 5’ is a document that articulates the practices behind the promises we make as staff, students and parents of GEC.


5 promises teachers make to our students;

  • maintain a safe learning environment.
  • know how you learn and what direction your learning should take.
  • make classes engaging.
  • listen, encourage and support.
  • involve the wider community in your learning.

5 promises staff make to one another;

  • share resources.
  • support one another.
  • work collaboratively to improve student learning.
  • be consistent in applying policies.
  • learn from one another.

5 characteristics you will see in our teaching;

  • differentiate teaching and learning to support and challenge the full range of abilities.
  • structure  lessons according to SABRE.
  • be innovative and reflective.
  • be enthusiastic.
  • be accountable for improving student outcomes.

5 things you will see from our students;

  • be enthusiastic and motivated.
  • communicate and be respectful.
  • seize opportunities to participate and learn.
  • work together, acting responsibly and creatively.
  • direct their own learning through questioning and exploring.

5 things you will see from our parents, carers and guardians;

  • be involved and contribute to the broader educational program.
  • play an active role in the child’s learning.
  • support their children in achieving their learning goals.
  • promote the school values.
  • maintain open lines of communication with the school.

VCE results 2023

We were delighted with the wonderful results achieved by our Year 12 students and so very proud of the achievements of all of our students. Congratulations to our Dux, Mansha Arora with an ATAR of 97.2.   


The following students achieved ATAR scores above 90 (in alphabetical order) – Mansha Arora, Hayden Cormick, Ellie Dabos, Gus David, Sarish Edukulla, Kayla Fox, Dana Gonshor, Zahra Hnatko, Raphael Lazarus, David Loven, Freya Matthews, Pranjal Menariya, Austin Micciche, Raphael Nicolas, Lily Nicolo, Natsumi Otono, Amiya Panwar, James Robbs, Luna Tomasevic, Jay Trickey, Alexandra Wood-Freeman.


Courses that these students have been offered include:  Bachelor of Medicine (Monash), Bachelor of Engineering (Monash), Bachelor of Laws/Science (Monash), Bachelor of Nursing (Monash), Bachelor of Secondary Education/Science (Monash), Bachelor of Politics, Philosophy & Economics/Arts (Monash), Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (ACU), Bachelor of Engineering/Commerce (Monash), Bachelor of Criminology/Psychological Science (Deakin), Bachelor of Engineering/Commerce (Monash), Bachelor of Psychological Science/Criminal Justice and Criminology (Swinburne), Bachelor of Commerce/Science (Monash), Bachelor of Engineering/Computer Science (Monash), Bachelor of Science (Monash),  Bachelor of Laws (Monash), Bachelor of Engineering/Science (Monash), Bachelor of Arts (University of Melbourne), Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Monash), Bachelor of Design/Master of Architecture (University of Melbourne).

  • Average ATAR was 79.9
  • 24% of ATAR scores 90 or above 
  •  48% of ATAR scores 80 or above 
  •  9.1% of study scores 40 or above 
  • Median study score 32 for the 1st time – absolutely brilliant
  • 6 students received the VCE Baccalaureate

Introducing our Leadership and Student Management Team

Principal: Sheereen Kindler

NB: Nick Hamer-Smith as Acting Principal on days when I am not at school


Assistant Principals: Nicholas Hamer-Smith, Loveena Narayanen, Mark Oudshoorn

NB: Chizuko Inoue-Andersson, Acting Assistant Principal 2 days per week


Business Manager: Gabrielle Darvell


Junior School Leader: Jared Bandara


Year 7 Coordinators: Sophie Clark & Dean West


Year 8 Coordinators: Edgar Bonne & Madeline Owen


Year 9 Coordinators: Daniel Lake & Karen Eap


Senior School Leader: Jeffrey Micallef


Year 10 Coordinator: Elizabeth Tasiopoulos & Ting Pan


Year 11 Coordinator: Jake Sherman


Year 12 Coordinator: Laura Brancatella


Student Wellbeing Leader: Nicholas Ford


Teaching and Learning Leader: Daniel Bouchet-Hibbert


Learning Specialists – Teacher Practice: Bernie Coghlan & Chizuko Inoue-Andersson


Careers and Pathways Coordinator: Heather Palm


International Student Coordinator: Yumi Liu


Librarian: Clare Murayama 

Annual privacy reminder 

Our school collects and uses student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy and the Schools’ Privacy Collection Notice


Our Photographing, Filming and Recording Students Policy, describes how we collect and use photographs, video and recordings of students. The policy also explains when parent consent is required and how it can be provided and withdrawn. 


We ask parents to also review the guidance we provide on how we use Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace for Education safely at the school and what parents can do to further protect their child’s information. If after reviewing the guidance, you have any questions or concerns regarding your child using Microsoft 365 or Google Workspace for Education, please contact the school. 


This information is also available in ten community languages:

* Amharic

* Arabic

* Dari

* Gujarati

* Mandarin

* Somali

* Sudanese

* Turkish

* Urdu

* Vietnamese

Being involved at GEC

We are always looking for ways to involve our parents in our community.  Please contact me if you have ideas of how you would like to be involved.  Our Parents and Friends group is an excellent way to meet other families and I encourage you to join. 

Protecting against mosquito-borne diseases

Warm and wet weather can result in greater numbers of mosquitoes and increased risk of illnesses from mosquito bites. While the overall risk is low, some mosquitoes carry diseases that make people sick.


The best protection against mosquito-borne illness is to avoid mosquito bites.


Families can protect against mosquito bites by:

  • covering up as much as possible with long, loose-fitting, light-coloured clothing
  • applying insect repellent that contains picaridin or DEET on exposed skin when leaving home
  • limiting outdoor activity if lots of mosquitoes are active.

Families with any health concerns should see their doctor or phone NURSE-ON-CALL: 1300 606 024 (available 24 hours). 


Free Japanese encephalitis vaccines 

Japanese encephalitis virus is spread to humans through bites from infected mosquitoes and can cause a rare but potentially serious infection of the brain.

Free Japanese encephalitis vaccines are available to protect Victorians at higher risk of the virus.


The Victorian Department of Health encourages eligible people who live or work in high-risk local government areas to get vaccinated.


For more information, including what is considered a high-risk area and eligibility for a free vaccine, refer to the Department of Health’s Japanese encephalitis webpage.


For more information on protecting against mosquito-borne diseases, families can refer to the following Better Health Channel pages: · Mosquitoes can carry diseases · Protect yourself from mosquito-borne disease, including a handy checklist to help reduce mosquito breeding sites at home and resources translated into other languages.


Just a reminder that any insurance needs to be taken up on an individual user pays basis. The Department does not provide personal accident insurance or ambulance cover for students. Parents and guardians of students, who do not have student accident insurance/ambulance cover, are responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for injured students, including the cost of ambulance attendance / transport and any other transport costs. Parents/guardians can purchase insurance policies from commercial insurers if they wish to insure their child.


Shade Sails: We were hoping that the shade sails that are being installed over the bleacher seats along the length of the oval would be installed by now.  However, this will not occur until early term 2.


Lockers:  All students are required to have a lock for their locker.  Combination locks are available at the General Office ($15). Any lockers without locks will not be available for student use.  I ask for parent support in providing a lock for their son or daughter.


Mobile phones are to be locked in student lockers during the school day.


Lost property: We already have a growing mountain of unnamed lost property including jumpers, jackets and shoes.  I ask parents and carers to ensure all items of clothing and books are named so that they can be returned to students


Should you have questions, positive feedback, areas for improvement or suggestions at any time do not hesitate to contact me at school.


Sheereen Kindler


School Photograph Day

Our school photographs will be taken at school on Friday, 23rd February.


By the time you are reading this, your child should have brought home their personalised order form from SchoolPix. Please ensure you secure your lasting memento of your child’s 2024 school year by ordering by the cut off dates.


If your child was away on the day that the order forms were distributed, please ask them to see Mr Oudshoorn in the Assistant Principal’s office.


We are also offering sibling photographs which will be taken at lunchtime on the day. Students will need to attend punctually to the Performing Arts Centre to have their sibling portraits taken. As on all school days, we expect that students will be in full school uniform on this day.


Mark Oudshoorn

Assistant Principal


I want to extend my gratitude to parents and carers for supporting our students to make the transition back to school this year. It is wonderful to see our students at school, presenting themselves so well and working hard. We are very proud of how our students have settled into school.


We also thank you for supporting the uniform policy of the school by ensuring your children are in black, lace-up school shoes, no jewellery other than a watch and no more than two studs/sleepers in the ears.


I would like to invite any parents to contact me if they are interested in joining the following school council committee.


Building our community and identity committee – a group of students, staff and parents who meet regularly to promote the backgrounds and cultures of our community, preserving mutual respect, harmony and equity.

Student Planners

Please encourage your child to bring their student planner home so that you can talk to them about their homework and home study routines. The planner also has a goal setting page and a page for priorities each term. Please talk to your child about their goals and priorities at home.

We are also very proud to share that artworks by Layla Rea and Ema Chadwick are featured on the covers of our Junior School and Senior School planners. Our Staff Planner also has Olivia Millar’s artwork on the front cover.

Staff Planner: Olivia Millar
Junior Planner: Layla Rea
Senior Planner: Ema Chadwick
Staff Planner: Olivia Millar
Junior Planner: Layla Rea
Senior Planner: Ema Chadwick

Road Safety information 

Thank you to all carers who are supporting our students in ensuring that they are showing safe behaviours on their way to and from school.


We sent the following reminder to students last week:


Thank you to all students who have been showing respectful behaviour and following road safety rules when coming and leaving the school.


Below are some reminders about road safety and respectful behaviour when crossing the road.

  • Please ensure that you are following the crossing supervisor’s instructions at all times.
  • Please ensure that you are showing our school’s values by being respectful to the crossing supervisor.
  • Do not cross when it is flashing red and when the light is red.
  • Do not ride your bike when crossing – please walk your bike when you are crossing.
  • If there are too many students at the crossing, please wait for the next green light to cross the road.

We received the information below from Glen Eira City Council and it might be useful for parents to watch the video with your child at home. 


Message from Glen Eira City Council

As is always the case with the return to school, the roads, parking and school crossings surrounding your school are very busy.  


Glen Eira Council has created a short, animated video that explains parking signs, how the school crossing operates and aims to promote safety surrounding schools.  It encourages students to walk or ride to school too, even if only from a few blocks away, to help ease traffic congestion, improve healthy activity and to help the environment.


Loveena Narayanen

Assistant Principal