Principal's Report 

Dear St A’s Community,


Welcome back to a new school year!  I trust that you all enjoyed your holidays and are now looking forward to a new school year full of fun and learning for your child/ren. Our students have settled into their classes extremely well and this reflects in the preparation and care shown by all community members: staff, parents and students.


We warmly welcome all of our new families to our school, including our new Prep cohort.  Our new Preps have had a great start to their primary school education and we look forward to watching them grow, learn and develop as the year progresses.  Welcome to all of our new families who are reading the newsletter for the first time. We hope that this will be a great source of information for you all, as you discover the wonderful things happening at St Augustine's and it will be a vital source of communication between school and home. 




At the beginning of each year, I like to provide clarity on several important logistics; here they are: 

• School operational hours are from 8:30am- 3:30pm. Any student onsite outside of these times is required to access Before and After School Care.

 • Please observe the speed limit (or less) at all times in our car park and drive through zone.

• SMART watches must be on school mode and are not to be used for contact between parent and student. All student/parent communication is via the office phone. 

• Student mobile phones are to be handed in to the office each morning and not used for any reason whilst on the school premises. 

• Weekly Assemblies are held Fridays 2:30pm (in the hall) - all welcome

•School bought lunches are on Thursdays and Fridays

•$2 Tuesdays have begun on Tuesdays - if students would like to purchase a snack


I think that’s well and truly enough information for one week! I encourage you to check the website or call the office when questions arise, alterantively our official Instagram and Facebook pages also have regular updates to assist.



New Staff joining the team:

This year we welcome some new staff memebrs to the ever growing St A's Team!

Mrs Jessica Burton Prep B

Mrs Tennille Usher 1U

Mr Michael Walpole 3/4W

Mrs Kat Dullabh 5/6D

Ms Catalina Grey - Learning Support

Mrs Nicole Bussey - Learning Support




One way of finding out about what's happening in classrooms,  is through the Seesaw app. Please ensure that your have signed into your child's journal.  Class newsletter have already gone out via Seesaw, as well as many photos and learning activities.  



Show Grace, Be the Joy for others, and God Bless.

Enjoy the weekend!


Carrie Rodda
