
Welcome to Italian for 2024!


A warm welcome to the new Prep families. Benvenuti a St Josephs!

It was so refreshing to have received so many greetings in Italian from our wonderful students.

I very much look forward to an exciting new year of teaching Italian, and of course celebrating all things Italian on our Italian day later in the year.  


The Prep children will be learning our school prayer Gesù Gesù”

Gesù Gesù stai con me.

Gesù Gesù prega per me.

Gesù Gesù sono con te.


They will commence the term by engaging with the story “Ecco Pinocchio” which will  be our focus text for this term. Over the next few weeks they will learn a variety of songs, games and other activities to build their confidence in using the key words and phrases from the story.


The Junior school will commence the term by learning the “Caro Gesù song.” They will revise and practice using Italian for everyday situations such as greetings, courtesies and classroom routines. In the first few lessons we will focus on  buongiorno, ciao, come stai, Come ti chiami? Mi chiamo… E tu?


In the Senior school the students will participate in activities based on the ‘sentence builder model.’ They will be presented  with a set of vocabulary building activities which will reinforce how to construct sentences that reflect real life communication. They will have an Italian buddy to work with them throughout the term, as they build on practicing writing, reading and presenting their sentences/paragraphs to the class.


Buona giornata

Signora Scandizzo


Maria Scandizzo