
We have had a busy couple of weeks in STEAM with lots of fabulous learning taking place. 


The Preps, Grade Ones and Twos have started their Conceptual Playworld units.

Prep and Grade Ones have been looking at Tom’s Magnificent Machines by Linda Sarah. We listened to the story in a couple of different formats, we created designs for our own magnificent machines, looked at the science of how tornadoes form because Tom and his dad have their house destroyed by a tornado, and we have been characters from the book as well as engineers conducting tests and inspecting Tom and his Dad's Machines. We have also practised our digital technology skills by playing Elmo’s A Job for Me Game, looking at STEAM jobs like vets, architects and firefighters.


Here are some Prep and Year Ones’ magnificent machine designs:


Here are some photos of the Year Ones inspecting Tom’s Museum (AKA the playground):


The Grade Twos have been looking at The Dinosaur Who Invented things by Michael Salmon.

We have listened to the story, practised our design skills by coming up with great inventions, we learned about what Palaeontologists do and some of the inventions that they use, we went to a dig site (AKA the sandpit) and worked together to unearth a Tyrannosaurus Rex egg fossil that we cracked open to reveal the fossilised skeleton of a Tyrannosaurus Rex. We have also practised our digital technology skills by playing the Cat in a Hat Invention Engine game. 


Here are the Grade Twos being Paleontologists:


The Grade Threes and Fours have been learning about different inventions that have made our lives easier such as penicillin, the printing press and mass produced cars. We have also begun work on the Little Inventors project in which primary school students around the world are asked to dream up creative ideas for inventions. We had a go at a Little Inventors mini challenge where each class selected a random idea to prompt our creativity. The Grade Fours had to invent a way to clean beaches, 3D had to invent their ultimate tent and 3M had to invent a way to read whilst playing sport.


Here are some of Grade Three and Fours’ designs:


The Grade Fives have looked at how many inventions have shaped the world in which we live today. We practised some digital technology skills by participating in an innovator and invention matching game. We looked at the Inquiry process and began looking for problems to solve in our school environment by using our creative thinking and innovation skills. We participated in a Science experiment that looked at surface tension.


Lego Club:

Lego club began in Week 4 on Monday. We had a great turnout and lots of creative building took place. A big thank you to the Holland Family for their huge Lego donation! It is much appreciated.


Lego Club will be on at recess on Mondays. 


Here are some photos of our ACPS Lego Masters in action: