Performing Arts

                                  Sarah Bailey

Magic and Music 

There was a real buzz of excitement last Thursday when Tim the Magician visited. So much laughter came from staff and students alike as it was comedy and magic all mixed together. This week we have spent time exploring how magicians introduce themselves with confidence, use humour, make eye contact and interact with the audience to produce an engaging show. Ask your child to show you some new tricks in the coming weeks as they build up their repertoire. 

MUSIC... The African welcome song "Funga Alafia" for P-Grade 3 and an Australian indigenous song "Inanay" for Grade 4-6 have been embraced by students and we have been working on matching pitch, working together with vocal rounds and I was most impressed with their hard work to start playing the melodies on tuned instruments (marimbas, xylophones, glockenspiels, piano, boomwhackers) last week. 

Shrek Jr Production

Special shout out to thank the Tech team this week. Under the gentle leadership and expertise of parent Cam Mitchell, our tech team is growing so much in competance on the new bio box equipment/systems and skills required. Each rehearsal they show diligence, responsibility and enthusiasm to provide lighting, filming, microphones and audio of soundtracks to all our songs. We are also extremely fortunate to have our generous and expert parents Gavin, Cam, Erica and Caz to run rehearsals and guide the students in their roles as well as behind the scenes preparation. Thanks parents and Tech team!

It is really important for students to bring their Shrek 'Show' folders (given out this week) to every rehearsal from now on. These will allow them to note details of stage position, who they are next to, song lyrics and so much more for each scene. Final commitment and payment is now being collected - please refer to compass notification.



Focus at home this week should be on learning the Emerald or Jade parts to I'm a Believer and Travel song. See dropbox links below for lyrics and soundtracks.


TUESDAY 27 Feb lunchtime 1:30 ALL DANCERS to attend with Caz


THURSDAY 29 Feb Lunchtime 1:30 - FULL cast and tech. Singing tuition with Erica and Eliza. 


I will make announcements over the PA system as a reminder at 1:25pm but please add these to your family calendars as children remember best with prior reminding. There is also a Shrek information wall in the foyer of the theatre which has the rehearsal schedule on display.


Here is the link to the SHREK PRODUCTION FOLDER again so keep it handy. 

It includes:

1/ LYRICS FOLDER - All the lyrics for the Ensemble.  The lyrics will identify what EMERALD sing and what JADE sing. 


2/ MUSIC - This has the backing tracks for your child to practice with.  And also Shrek Guide Vocals and SONG GUIDE Tracks with Vocals.  THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT VOCAL FOLDER.  If you are in JADE - listen to all the JADE TRACKS or if you are in EMERALD - Listen to the EMERALD TRACKS.


3/ SCENE BREAKDOWN - Print this out and put it in your show folder so you know what scenes are coming up and what you are in.


4/ VIDEOS - This is where we will put videos of dances and things you can watch and practice.


NOTE: Rehearsals will mainly occur on Tuesday and Thursday lunchtimes for Term 1. Holiday rehearsals - Friday 12th and Saturday 13th April (last weekend of Term 1 holidays).


As always, any queries or concerns please let me know,


Sarah Bailey