Middle School  - 

Middle School             Grades 3 and 4

What is happening in grade 34?

Wellbeing Wednesday

Guess what happens every Wednesday? Wellbeing Wednesday! 🌟 We dive into all things mindfulness and emotions, really connecting with each other. This week, we read a book called "Lucy and Sad." Poor Lucy was having a bit of a tough time making friends with Sad hanging around. Sad wasn't exactly the buddy Lucy was looking for, you know? It seemed like Sad was here to stay forever! 😕 But guess what? With some flowers, cookies (always a good idea), a bedtime story, and a super big hug, Lucy found a new pal...


After our story, we all put our heads together and made a mind map of the cool strategies we use "When Sad Comes to Visit." Our Grade 3 students came up with lots of strategies that we can use to feel better when we are feeling a bit sad. It was such a fun Wellbeing Wednesday! 🌼


Pancake Tuesday

The students had a great time completing a maths task this week - This maths task involved cooking. We had decided to use maths in helping us celebrate Pancake Tuesday (a week late). The Turtley Awesome year 4's had a great time reading a recipe and then making pancakes. There was lots of chatter as they measured the ingredients that were needed for the mixture. They counted as they stirred the mixture all while they chatted about how they make them at home and their favourite toppings. They estimated how many pancakes they would get out of the mix and how many of those pancakes that they would get to eat.

They loved cooking for maths and asked if we could include cooking in out maths everyday.


Important Dates

Meet the teacher - 27th February - We are looking forward to meeting you

School Photos - Thursday 29th February 

NAPLAN- 12th - 20th March

Grade 3/4 Camp - Monday, June 3 to Wednesday, June 5th