School Council

On Tuesday night we held the final meeting of our 2023 School Council. The next meeting will be held in March and will be attended by 2024 councillors who will elect office-bearers and sub-committee members for the next year.


It's been a busy and exciting 12 months, with lots of positive things happening at ACPS, but the biggest news was undoubtably the appointment of Daniel Webber as Principal. Daniel started in the role for term 2 last year and has been a perfect fit for the school.


The school community should be very proud of how we have welcomed him and in return, he has already made his mark with students, staff, and families. I'm sure you all hear a lot from your children about the fun activities and games during lunchtimes, but there is a huge amount of work being done in the areas of teaching and learning and our school is looking better and better each day.


Tuesday's meeting started at 7pm and Daniel provided the Council with his Principal's Report. In this he gave us an update on some of the things planned for this year including the major refurbishment of our toilet block due to start in mid-2024. He also talked about the Thrive program for students and its importance in helping with student well-being.


One of the highlights of the meeting was during the Finance discussion when Nick Austin (Treasurer) provided us with an update on the parent payment contributions for this year. As detailed in our Parent Payment Policy, these contributions help us continue to provide the excellent range of facilities and resources that we have for your children.


Your support has allowed us to:

  • Provide high quality programs and specific subject materials and equipment for: English, Mathematics, Science, Art, Music, Inquiry, Italian and PE
  • Maintain and develop the school grounds
  • Ensure the upkeep of our computer devices to enhance learning opportunities
  • Maintain sufficient class sets of books for students to develop their reading skills
  • Provide hands on maths equipment i.e.: measuring materials for teaching purposes
  • Facilitate Literacy and Mathematics online digital subscriptions
  • Deliver a range of sporting equipment
  • Offer effective First Aid for all students

We have been very pleased with the level of contributions made for this year so thank you on behalf of the School Council to everyone who has contributed. You can rest assured that every single dollar is being used wisely to support the education and development of our amazing students.


Thank you to all the all our 2023 Councillors for your work in helping support and run our wonderful school. We really appreciate the time and effort you have committed to making ACPS the best place is can be for our students.


Farewell to those who are leaving the Council and we'll see you in March to those who are returning as well as councillors who are joining for the first time.


Jimmy Harris

School Council President