Orientation Day

The annual tradition of the Orientation Day took place on Tuesday 12th December and the school was abuzz with eager grade 6 students ready to begin their high school journey. More than one hundred students joined us for the exciting, albeit scorchingly hot, day.


The students were sorted into their school houses and given a tour around by their future house captains. Shortly afterwards the students were assigned to their five home groups and headed off to each of their future classes. Meanwhile, Robyn and Meg ran a discussion session in the library, discussing some of the changes that parents can expect as their child enters their teenage years and prepares for the changes of Year 7. It was nice to see so many parents involved and sharing their own experiences around preparing for high school.


Throughout the day the classes competed in a scavenger hunt as they explored the campus, completed get-to-know-you activities, and completed testing for literacy and numeracy. The students had plenty of questions from the day, including my favourites: “Why is the oval so big?” and “What do we get to dissect in science?” The atmosphere was friendly and positive with grade 6 students eager to learn about the next step in their schooling journey. All of my conversations from the day were positive and I am happy to see how eager everyone is to join us here at Greensborough College. 


Many thanks to the student leaders who were generous enough to share their time with the future year 7s and to all the wonderful staff on the day. The day could not have been the success it was without your assistance. I’m looking forward to an exciting 2024 with the new year level! Merry Christmas everyone!