
Infinite Possibilities in Maths

As we step into a brand new year filled with infinite possibilities, let's kickstart our mathematical journey with enthusiasm, curiosity, and a thirst for knowledge!


In the realm of mathematics, growth mindset is invaluable, and as parents, you play a crucial role in nurturing it in your child. 


In this article, we'll explore some strategies to support your child's mathematical journey while promoting a growth mindset.


1. Embrace mistakes as Learning Opportunities

Encourage your child to see mistakes as a natural part of the learning process.  Remind them that everyone makes mistakes and that each error is an opportunity to learn and grow. 


Instead of becoming discouraged, they should approach mistakes with curiosity and determination to understand where they went wrong and how they can improve.


2. Praise Effort and Persistence

When praising your child's mathematical efforts, focus on their hard work, strategies, and persistence rather than solely on their achievements. 


This reinforces the idea that success in math is not solely determined by innate ability but also by dedication and perseverance. Encourage them to keep trying, even when faced with challenging problems.


3. Encourage a Positive Attitude Towards Maths

Your attitude towards mathematics greatly influences your child's perception of the subject. Express enthusiasm and positivity when discussing math-related topics, and avoid making negative comments about your own math abilities. Emphasize the importance of math in everyday life and highlight its relevance in various real-world scenarios.


4. Provide Support and Resources

Offer your child the support they need to succeed in math. This could include helping them with homework, providing access to educational resources such as math websites or apps, or enrolling them in extracurricular math programs if they express interest. Show your child that you value their education and are willing to invest time and effort into helping them excel in mathematics.


5. Set Realistic Goals and Celebrate Progress

Work with your child to set realistic goals for their mathematical growth. Break larger goals into smaller, achievable milestones, and celebrate each milestone they reach. By acknowledging their progress, you reinforce their belief in their ability to improve and succeed in math.


6. Model a Growth Mindset

Lastly, model a growth mindset in your own life. Share stories of how you've overcome challenges through perseverance and hard work, and demonstrate a positive attitude towards learning and self-improvement. By being a role model for a growth mindset, you inspire your child to adopt the same mindset in their own mathematical journey.


In conclusion, by promoting a growth mindset and providing support and encouragement, you can help your child develop the confidence and skills needed to succeed in mathematics and beyond. 


Mrs Michelle De BOER

Mathematics Leader