Art & Technology

Off to a Great Start!
The Art and Technology department are off to a great start in 2024! The department is bustling, with an influx of new staff joining the team.
An increase in Visual Arts subjects running this year, such as Visual Communication at Years 10, 11 and 12, has led to in the addition of Mr Steven Firman to the team to teach both Art and Visual Communication. Mr Firman is a practising artist with a studio in the Dandenongs, and he has an upcoming exhibition at Schokolade café next month.
We also have four additional newcomers to the Art and Technology team. Ms Shanza Sivanesan will be taking our senior media classes. She has a particular interest in the horror genre and analysing reality TV shows. Shanza also teaches English and enjoys writing fantasy stories and emotive poetry.
Mr Daniel Croft, who is the new Head of Junior School, joins us to teach Drama and Ms Anita So, comes aboard to teach both classroom and instrumental music, with exceptional experience on Piano.
Finally, Mr Clifton Barclay, while not new to the college, joins our Art and Technology team to teach Digital Technology.
The input of new staff always brings vitality and fresh ideas to a department, so I look forward to the coming year – welcome to all of our new team members!
Ms Suzanne Tate
Art & Technology Leader
Welcome to Food Technology
Students have commenced the semester focusing on how to work safely and hygienically in the kitchen, how to accurately measure and how to handle food.
Year 11 VCE students are investigating the origins of food and are currently targeting 'The Fertile Crescent' to identify the historical development of food systems, food cultures and distinctive cuisines.
All Years 9 and 10 students undertaking Food Technology have completed their Victorian Department of Health ‘dofoodsafely’ Certificate and can now add this to their Career’s Portfolio. Year 9 students are currently looking at the properties of food and the Year 10 students food safety in Australia.
Year 8 classes will begin exploring the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating this week.
Hopefully all students have enjoyed the start of the semester in Food Technology/Food Studies, and I look forward to seeing what wonderful foods they can prepare and hopefully share with you at home!
Mrs Ruth Smith
Food Technology Teacher