Junior School Report

Welcome Back!
A warm welcome to all students, staff and broader community of Scoresby Secondary College. The start to the new 2024 academic year was certainly positive and well received by all.
Our newest community members, our Year 7 students, arrived well rested and with a bunch of positive nervous energy.
The two-day induction enabled our Year 7 students to obtain their lockers, familiarise themselves with their timetables, reflect on goals and aspirations, set up their devices, meet with teachers and of course begin new friendships. Congratulations Year 7 on a great start to the year!
Year 8 and Year 9 students returned on Thursday 4 February and quickly settled into their learning routine. It was wonderful to see friends catching up, sharing holiday stories and enjoying some much-needed social time. A positive start to the new year!
Scoresby Secondary College prides itself on providing continued support to all students to assist in their learning and personal growth. We encourage positive and constructive partnerships with parents and carers to ensure our students are inspired to be their very best. Students and parents should refer to our student planners and become familiar with our college processes and expectations.
Communication is key in the support of our students and parents are encouraged to contact either their students’ homegroup teacher or coordinator with any concerns or questions.
In Junior School whilst we have three year levels 7, 8 and 9.
Below are our wonderful homegroup teachers for 2024 as well as our Junior School Coordination Team.
Home Group Teachers for 2024
Mr Patrick Dempsey - 7A
Ms Angelique DeBoer - 7B
Ms Aoife Lee - 7C
Ms Wanxin (Betty) Liang - 8A
Ms Suzanne Tate - 8B
Ms Ruth Smith - 9A
Mr Rodney Triegaardt - 9B
Junior School Team:
Ms Angelique DeBoer - Year 7 Co-ordinator Ms Aoife Lee - Year 7 Co-ordinator
Mr Rodney Triegaardt - Year 8 & 9 Co-ordinator
Mr Daniel Croft- Head of Junior School
Parent Communication in Secondary School
It is extremely important that we communicate with each other as part of our partnership in educating your child. If you have any matters regarding classwork please email your child’s classroom teachers. For matters regarding attendance and general queries please email the Homegroup Teacher or ring the absence hotline. For all other concerns or queries please contact the Year Level Coordinator who will assist or refer it to the Head of Junior School or the Assistant Principal - Students. Where wellbeing support is required a referrals can be made through the Head of Junior School for wellbeing support
Student Safety
With the commencement of the school year, it is timely to remind students to observe all road laws. In particular cyclists must wear helmets and when students are crossing roads they should be focussed and observing traffic signals. Please discuss this at home and emphasise the need to follow correct road safety practices to keep everyone safe. Parents/carers are reminded that the Department of Education does not provide personal accident or ambulance cover for students.
Student Diaries
Student have received their diaries which are valuable tool to support their learning. Students should record homework and upcoming events to assist with time management and organisation. The diary also contains many worthwhile resources and parents are encouraged to check it weekly and discuss “What went well” for the week.
We as a team look forward to a most productive year for all.
Mr Daniel Croft
Head of Junior School