Principal's Report

Welcome to 2024 at Scoresby Secondary College
Welcome to 2024 to students, staff and families and a special welcome to our incoming Year 7 students and other families new to Scoresby Secondary College. I hope you were all able to spend some quality time relaxing and enjoying the break.
We have had an extremely successful start to Term 1 with an assembly to welcome all new students and staff, personalised year level specific start up programs, and commencement of timetabled classes.
The program for Year 7 students was organised by the Junior School Team and followed on from the transition programs which commenced last year. It was a great opportunity for all students to develop positive relationships with members of their classes, home group teachers and sub-school teams. We are looking forward to meeting our new families at the information nights this term. Further details regarding the evenings will be posted on compass next week.
This year our work will be aligned to the goals and targets in our new strategic plan which are underpinned by our vision and values. From 2023 we are introducing a related focus for the year commencing with the theme ‘Aspirations’. After the past few years of interrupted learning for our students, we chose this theme as a positive theme moving forward. We have already introduced the theme at our welcoming assemblies and students will be encouraged through home groups and assemblies to set, monitor, and evaluate personal goals for the year.
New and Returning Staff
We welcome the following new staff to Scoresby Secondary:
Daniel Croft
Leading Teacher (Head of Junior School)
Psychology/Mathematics/ Drama Teacher
Veronica Kenneally
Science / Biology Teacher
Nicole Matthews
Inclusion Leader
Shivani Sandhu
Year 12 Coordinator
Psychology /English Teacher
Christian Smith
Health /Physical Education /Maths Teacher
Anita So
Music Teacher
Pandora (Menghan) Wang
Maths Teacher
George Wardle
Instructional Leader (Science)
Chemistry/ Biology Teacher
Hanima (Haji Ahamed) Yaseen
Laboratory Technician
Our Purpose:
Scoresby Secondary College’s core purpose is to provide a safe, supportive and rigorous learning environment that focuses on nurturing the whole person so that every child gets the opportunity to be their brilliant best.
Our Values:
Underpinning our purpose is our strong desire for our students and school to have strong links to the local community and our genuine care for students’ personal growth. These are embodied in our College values of I.N.S.P.I.R.E.
- Integrity
- Nurture
- Success
- Pride
- Innovation
- Respect
- Excellence
College Priorities 2024
The following two overarching goals for 2024 set the foundations of our Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) which will be published following endorsement at our February College Council meeting.
1. Learning
To optimise utilisation of the data wall by teachers and enhance the implementation of high-quality teaching and assessment practices to foster optimal learning progress and achievement for students in Years 7-12.
2. Wellbeing
To build, deepen and embed an agreed understanding of the reciprocal positive relationship between wellbeing and learning with students, teachers, and our parent/carer community to further develop student engagement, attendance, and aspirations.
Last Week’s Storms
“In the midst of every crisis lies great opportunity.” Albert Einstein
After fierce storms hit last Tuesday, the aftermath mirrored a cyclone scene – branches on roofs, scattered debris, crushed staff cars, power outage and water damage. Despite the damage what became evident was the strength of the Scoresby Secondary Community. We would like to thank parents, carers, Kristian and his team from Knox SES, local CFA teams from Scoresby, Ferntree Gully, Boronia, and the Basin, together with members of our staff and wider community who have worked tirelessly throughout the past week. Maintaining the health and safety of students and staff whilst minimising the impact on teaching and learning was at times challenging yet rewarding as everyone united. The morning tea dropped into us by parents and offers of assistance from other Knox principals was greatly appreciated. Power retuned before school commenced on Friday.
I would like to acknowledge the difficulties many of our community experienced with the storm not only impacting on the college, but also on the homes and workplaces of families and our business and industry partners.
We are pleased with the exceptional feedback about how well presented our students are. I thank parents and carers who have supported us in ensuring our high expectations are met. Blazers are available for student leaders or any other student wishing to purchase one from the General Office.
Year 12 Residential
Two weeks ago I attended the Year 12 Orientation Camp held at Ormond College, one of the largest residential buildings at the University of Melbourne. Ormond College is an historical sandstone and cream brick building which opened in 1881. The mediaeval gothic appearance of Ormond immediately provides a sense of academia and as such makes an ideal location for our study camp each year. We attribute the experience of studying in this environment, together with the expertise of the presenters, opportunities to participate in team building and hear study tips as a key factor in motivating our students for success. This year’s program catered for the three streams of students undertaking VCE including an opportunity for vocational students to hear directly from business and recruitment staff about what they look for in future employees.
Student Success Class of 2023
Congratulations to last year's Year 12 students who were successful in obtaining tertiary offers at the University of Melbourne Monash University, Deakin University, Swinburne University, RMIT and other providers. Our DUX Joey Zhuang will be pursuing Civil Engineering and Architecture at Monash while other students have accepted places in Science, Nursing, Business, Arts, Commerce, Criminology, Fine Arts, Creative Arts and more. Whilst a number have deferred or declined to take up offers, in the current climate and having experienced Years 9 and 10 in lockdown, it is understandable that a number have decided to take a break from study to work or travel.
We look forward hearing from a number of the students at the next whole school assembly.
Mrs Gail Major