Student Services

Welcome to Another Year!
If you are in Year 7, we welcome you and wish you all the best for your first year of high school. The wellbeing office is located beside the library. It is a safe and confidential space, we also have resources, fidgets and bouncy balls.
We have a team that is dedicated to supporting any mental health needs. If you require mental health support, please speak with your head of sub school and they will let us know to get in touch with you.
Our Wellbeing Team:
Louise West – Tuesday, Thursday & Friday Tahlia Pastor – Monday & Wednesday
Alicia Alpuim – Tuesday
Starting a new year at school can be nerve wracking, so here are some tips to help you get through:
- Keeping a consistent routine and schedule, organising your day the night before.
- Getting a good night’s sleep & having a nutritious lunch packed - If you don’t have access to lunch, please let a teacher or main reception know.
- Seeking support when needed (a parent, guardian, teacher, school counsellor or friend)
If you have jitters the night before school, sometimes visualising your day can help:
- Take a moment to close your eyes and think of your day.
- Think about how you will get to school what subjects you’ll have.
- What you’ll have for recess and lunch, who you want to speak with today.
- What things you are worried about and what you can do to cope.
- What you are looking forward to.
If you feel like a visualisation might not be for you, you can also try practising the 54321 Method:
- 5 things you see.
- 4 things you feel.
- 3 things you hear.
- 2 things you smell.
- 1 thing you taste.
Mrs Louise West
Student Services Leader