
For the first time Scoresby Secondary College has a dedicated Inclusion Leader, whose role is to ensure that students who have additional learning needs, or diagnosed disabilities receive the support and reasonable adjustments they require to thrive in their secondary school years.
In the past, these students have been supported by the wonderful teachers at the college.
However, with the growing community of students and additional needs of students, the decision was made to create a dedicated role.
I am very thrilled to be here and have already met some of the wonderful parents and students who I am supporting. I look forward to meeting many more as the term rolls on.
I am very lucky to have a fantastic Inclusion Support Officer (ISO), Cynthia, and we are in the process of employing another. The role of an Inclusion Support Officer is to attend classes to provide support for both students and teachers to maximise learning and be there for students who may need support with regulation. It takes a very special person to be an Inclusion Support Officer, and I am sure that the teaching staff value them greatly, as to our students.
If you have a young person with additional learning needs or a diagnosed disability, please feel free to contact me to discuss how we can work together to support them.
Ms Nicole Matthews
Inclusion Leader