
What is Happening in Science?
This year we are looking to build upon our relationship with KIOSC (Knox Innovation, Opportunity and Sustainability Centre) to further develop STEAM within the school. There are several opportunities for students in Years 8 & 9 to get involved.
For senior students, we are entering a team into the Hydrogen Grand Prix program where they will get to design, engineer, build and race their own hydrogen-powered cars. More information to follow in the next newsletter.
While the start of every new school year brings a certain level of excitement and expectation, for our new Year 7 students, this excitement comes as their learning will take place in a dedicated science laboratory with special scientific equipment and chemicals.
This years 2024 Year 7 cohort have had a fantastic start to secondary school science, it has been incredible to see their enthusiasm and observe their openness to learning. So far students have researched the remarkable contribution Australian Scientists have made to our society and will go on to examine the specialist scientific equipment we use in secondary school science experiments and complete their first experiment, making accurate scientific observations. Year 7 students (and Year 7 teaching team) are looking forward to issuing their Bunsen Burner licenses soon after which, students can begin to conduct more detailed experiments and investigations. In a few weeks we students will move on to learning about states of matter and how we separate mixtures.
Senior classes for biology, chemistry, physics, psychology VCE programs are also well underway .
Mr George Wardle
Science Leader