What's Happening In Secondary

News and Information from Secondary


Welcome all students and families to DCS Secondary. 


We are welcoming eight new students and their families to DCS in Year 7 and one new student and his family to Year 8. 


We are welcoming two new staff to the teaching team: Mr Marcus Watson and Miss Rachel Miles; Mr Derrick Murfet, Miss Sumi van der Merwe, Mr Zac Kohler and Mr Nathan Luscombe as our new Learning support aides; and Mr Amos Moore and Miss Shenae Barnes as our two school-based apprentices. 


Each new staff member brings their unique skill set, experience and personality to the team.  We are so thankful to God for providing such excellent people to join the team.


There are many things that are staying the same as last year, and some changes. A couple of important things to note: 

  • Hats are compulsory when outside for Secondary students
  • There is a letter and form in Schoolbox regarding local permissions. As a Secondary school we go out in the community many times throughout the year. We will always notify parents where and when we are going off-site but this form reduces the amount of forms we need to send out and follow up. For excursions not within a 25km radius, or that carry risk (mountain biking, swimming, camps etc) there will still be a form sent out for that specific activity. 
  • Our playground has changed for 2024 and we will now be using the Northern Don oval, not the one closest to Secondary. 

Term One is busy with lots of routines being established and athletics carnivals, camps and excursions while the weather is lovely. Parents, please check Schoolbox at least once a week for information. 


Don Post Office for lunch on Wednesdays. 

Students will be allowed to walk to the Don Post Office, buy lunch and walk back to school on Wednesdays for the first half of lunch only. 


Students will be marked off by staff members and parents must give permission for this to happen on the local permissions form.