What's Happening In Primary

News and Information from Primary


A warm welcome to all DCS Primary families. The Primary Team is excited for the year ahead and for the opportunity to partner with each family. 


In preparation for the year, the Primary Team have been busy setting up classrooms and the numerous learning and support programs. Each of the classrooms are filled with colour and the anticipation of the learning and growth which will occur throughout the year.


In 2024 we are excited to welcome Mrs Hannah Alexander, Mrs Natalie Bourke, Miss Madelyn Dance, Miss Georgia De Haan, Mrs Dana De Wilzem, Mrs Colleen Duggett, Mrs Hannah Legg and Mr Rushton Upton to the Primary Team.


As we enter into 2024 please know that we, as a community, are here to support each family. Should you have any questions please initially contact your child's classroom teacher.


Primary Assemblies

Our first Primary Assembly will be on Friday 9th February in Jiloa commencing at 8:35am. Starting from Monday 12th February, the Primary Assemblies will begin at 8:30am for each of the Monday, Wednesday and Friday Assemblies. Students and teachers will gather in the Jiloa Centre to foster a sense of community and shared learning. These assemblies will feature unique themes, led by our outstanding student leaders. We invite you to join us, show your support for our students, and enjoy a hot beverage during this time.

  • Monday Assembly - Commencing the week together as a community with a Character First Trait presentation, learning a Bible verse, praying and sharing announcements for the week.
  • Worship Wednesday Assembly - Year 5 students and the Year 5/6 Teachers will lead the Primary School in worship and prayer as a community.
  • Friday Assembly - An opportunity to celebrate what has happened in the week. Students will receive certificates and our school leaders will share a Bible verse and pray for the community.

Getting to Know You Interviews

At DCS, we start the year connecting our parents with the classroom teacher. Our ‘Getting to know your child’ parent and teacher interviews occur in the second week of term in 2024. 


These Parent/Teacher Interviews will be held on Wednesday 14th February in the JILOA Centre and Alpha HQ. The secondary team will also be available on this evening to meet parents. They will be holding their interviews in the secondary classrooms.


The aim of these ‘Getting to know your child’ interviews is to provide an opportunity for you to meet with your child’s teacher right at the start of the school year and to discuss with them anything that can assist your child’s teacher to teach him or her more effectively (your child does not need to attend – the discussion is between parent and teacher). 


For these interviews, the teaching staff will not come prepared to discuss your child’s academic progress but will be able to give you their perspective on how your child has settled into their class. 


Interviews will be 10 minutes in duration.  This is a significant time to share about your child and their interests. Please come prepared to give your teachers your email address and contact details, so they can be in contact with you this year.


As a school, we strive to continue to have parents informed of their child’s learning progress throughout the year. This involves having connection with the classroom teacher from the start of the year, through these interviews. Later in Term One, parents will receive communication from the classroom teacher on student effort, behaviour, progress and work habits through the Term One interim reports. These will be sent home to parents by end of March.


Discussions and chats with teachers can happen throughout the term, where you can partner with the teachers and communicate with them, via email, phone or, where no restrictions limit us, in person. The second formal interviews will occur in early Term Three to discuss the Semester One student achievements.  


Please click here to complete a form with your preferred interview times. 


You will then receive an email within 48 hours with confirmation of your booked times.  Please note while we will do our best to give you the preferred time slot of your choice, in some cases we may need to offer you an alternative time.

Prep Rest Days

To assist our Prep students make the transition from part-time to full-time schooling, Prep students will not attend on the following days: 

Wednesday 14th February

Wednesday 21st February

Wednesday 6th March

Wednesday 13th March


Prep students will commence full-time from Monday 18th March 2024.


Prep students will attend on Wednesday 28th February for our Athletics Carnival.


Please do not hesitate to contact the school office if you have any queries.

Prep Learning Interviews

A friendly reminder that Prep students will be attending their half-hour 'Learning Interview' with their teachers on either Wednesday 14th February or Wednesday 21st February.


Please refer to the email sent out in December for your child's appointment time, or contact the school office if you need clarification.