
From our Principal - Mr Chad Smit

Welcome to a New Year at Devonport Christian School!

As we step into this new season, I am reminded of the timeless beauty and stillness that surrounds us in Tasmania and the many places we have been blessed visiting over the summer. For our family it was a holiday trip to Victoria, where I spent every summer as a boy to a young adult, at Wilsons Promontory. It is there, amidst God's unspoiled creation, where family memories are etched against the backdrop of sunsets and starlit skies.

The simplicity of camping — no electricity, no connected water to our van — requires preparedness and a return to the basics, much like our faith. It's in these moments, with a good book like 'Trust' by Dr. Henry Cloud, that we can find time to pause. I call it 'sit' time, to dwell and soak in the wisdom from authors and those who may have gone or lived before us.


Trust is foundational and it begins not with words but with understanding and connection. In knowing each other, in understanding the 'why' behind our actions, we find the roots of trust. It's with 'trust' we serve others, that brings the name of Jesus into our school (and our homes), and here at DCS the hope is our service to one another reflects Jesus' heart. This is our motive at Devonport Christian School, where every action is considered for its effect on others, fostering a community where each member uplifts the next.


Our experiences holidaying, caravanning and travelling, whether the shared laughter over a funny moment or the shared relief when a storm passes, are testimonies to our resilience. These stories aren't just about triumphs or failures; they are about learning to trust in our preparations and in each other — a trust deeply rooted in our love for Jesus.


This year, we are reminded that life will shake us, but it is the 'unshakeable' that will remain. Hebrews 12:26-27 tells us that God's promise is not just to shake the earthly but also the heavenly. And so, our stance is firm, filled with purpose, love, peace, joy, hope, belief and faith to be unshakeable, as He is UNSHAKEABLE!


Our story is intricately woven by the Holy Spirit, with 63,779 cross-references in Scripture as evidence of His intricate planning. And as God weaves the grand narrative, He is also intimately involved in our stories, in our lives, and in the plans He has for each of us at Devonport Christian School.



40 authors over 1500 years on 3 continents, but there is only one author, and His name is the Holy Spirit of God and through human instruments, He wrote this story. That is why it is woven together because God knows the beginning and the end.



So, what is our 'Why'? Why do we serve at DCS? It is not for ourselves but for a purpose greater than us. It is out of love — always love.


As we banner Psalm 62:1-2 this year, let us find rest in God, our rock, and our salvation. In Him, we are unshakeable.

Prepare, be ready, stand firm, and place your confidence in Jesus, not in our own strength.


All glory to Him, as we embark on this journey together, unshakeable and anchored in faith.


Welcome back to school. Let's make this year one of growth, trust and steadfast love.


In His Service,


Chad Smit   |   Principal