Assistant Principal 

Year 9 & 10

What an AMAZING start to the year! It doesn’t take long to get back into the swing of things and I am very excited about what this year will bring for our students at the college. 


We welcome a new group of year 9 students to the Middle School and look forward to working with them over the next 2 years. 


Students undertook a return to school program on their first day and enjoyed the activities that focused on future planning for exciting experiences like work experience or the explore program.


It’s fantastic to see so many of our students wearing their uniform correctly and with pride. As a college we are proud of our uniform and will always have high expectations around this for our students. We will be conducting uniform checks regularly. All of our processes around uniform are contained in the LSC Uniform Policy which is available on our website. 


Last year, the uniform policy was updated to give students increased flexibility to wear whichever formal summer or winter version of our uniform that they preferred. As an example, instead of having to wear shorts as part of the summer uniform in Terms 1 and 4, a student can elect to wear the winter uniform (pants) all year long. 


This does not include the sport uniform which is only to be worn on the days that students have PE in the gym. Students are required to change back into their formal uniform after their PE session. 


Casual clothes items are not able to be worn at the college and students will be asked to remove these as well as non-uniform items such as facial piercings, excessive jewellery, fake nails, incorrect shoes. 


Our uniform policy is clearly communicated to every enrolment at our college and students receive very clear instructions about the uniform and how it is to be worn. If any family is experiencing significant hardship around uniform, please contact the college to discuss. 


Julie Ryan

Assistant Principal