Vacation Care

A warm welcome to new OSHC families and a welcome back to all.


Throughout the holidays our amazing vacation care team provided a wonderful program for children attending. The children have been busy engaging in lots of fun activities from sensory day, an excursion to Thorndon Park, a soccer incursion, a paint and sip afternoon, an African drumming incursion, and so much more! 

Announcement from the OSHC Director, Anna

Dear families,


I write today to announce that I will be leaving Magill OSHC. I will be taking on a new role as a Childcare Director in Athelstone.


I have absolutely loved my time at Magill and it feels very bittersweet as I am excited for the next stage, but I am also very sad to be leaving. This is a beautiful community and I feel blessed to have been able to be a part of it. It has been a pleasure to lead this service and to journey alongside your wonderful children.


I will still be around for a few more weeks and my final day will be Friday, February 23rd.


I wish nothing but the best for this service and for all of you!


Kind Regards,



OSHC Director




Staff Carpark is strictly for Magill School Staff Only, unless you require disability parking and have your Disability Parking Permit displayed. This refers to any time of day, and all weather conditions. 


Please park safely on Magill Road or at the Tower Hotel Carpark, and use the crossing and footpath to enter through the gate to Magill School OSHC when dropping off or collecting your child/ren. 


OSHC Opening Times

Before School Care: 7:00 am - 8:45 am

After School Care: 3:05 pm - 6:15 pm

Vacation Care & Student Free Days: 7:30 am - 6:00 pm


OSHC is Closed on Public Holidays


2024 Fees 

Before School Care: $13.00

After School Care: $23.00

Vacation Care - Incursion: $60.00

Vacation Care - Excursion: $70.00

Child Care Subsidy (CCS) may apply


Absent Text Number 0418994032

Please include: Child/Children's full name, Date and Session time they aren't attending


Director: Anna Alfredsson

Assistant Director and Educational Leader: Lina Vasquez

Admin Assistants: Savi Ranhaluge and Lauren Bruno 


Telephone: 8332 5762 or 0418 994 032 

Email: oshc@magillschool.net

OSHC Website: https://www.magillschool.sa.edu.au/parent-information/out-of-school-hours-care-oshc/

For bookings or cancellations please use Xlpor Home App


OSHC Parent Handbook