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Liturgical celebrations
This morning was one of reflection and prayer as our College community joined together to celebrate Ash Wednesday and the beginning of the liturgical season of Lent.
During the 40 days of Lent, we prepare for Easter by taking time to be quiet in our hearts, by praying, by doing good deeds, by being forgiving and asking for forgiveness.
Staff and students from Prep to Year 12 attended Ash Wednesday Liturgies held across the day where they received the sign of the cross as ashes on their foreheads—an outward sign of our willingness to enter into Lent.
Yesterday (Tuesday 13 February), students enjoyed delicious pancakes at the College to mark Shrove Tuesday - a day of forgiveness and feasting.
Pancakes are traditionally served on the Tuesday before Lent begins, which historically was an opportunity for households to use up luxury food items before the season of Lent began.
Setting the tone for a season of giving, Senior School students donated $2 for their pancake, with all proceeds going to Project Compassion, the Caritas Australia Lenten appeal.
Time capsule unlocked
Our Year 12 students have taken a trip down memory lane, unearthing a time capsule filled with memorabilia dating back to 2018.
Gathering as a cohort on the College Green, the students were buzzing with excitement and nervous anticipation as they waited to discover the contents of the box, which they buried as Year 6 students in the College’s 150th anniversary year.
Items uncovered included photos, cards, newspaper clippings and mementos, along with letters and messages the students wrote to their future selves, in which they sealed their hopes and dreams.
The experience stirred up a lot of nostalgia and sentimental memories for the Year 12s, who look back fondly on their formative years at the College. It also brought the students enormous enjoyment to see how much they have grown and changed over the past six years!