Take note

Welcome Families BBQ
Join us as we ring in the new school year with our Welcome Families BBQ, to be held tomorrow afternoon (Thursday 15 February) on the College Green.
We'll be firing up the grill from 4.00pm, so be sure to pop down for a bite to eat and a beverage in between attending the Parent Information and Connect sessions.
The event is also an opportunity for our community to meet and get to know our new SMC students and families. We hope to see you all there as we celebrate the start of 2024 together.
Office hours
Please note the College hours of operation for 2024 are as follows:
- 8.00am – 4.00pm Monday to Friday (during term time)
- 9.00am – 3.00pm Monday to Friday (during school holidays)
College expectations and guidelines
For the reference of all families, the College guidelines and all Catholic Education Tasmania policies are accessible via the College website here.
Reminder: direct debit authorities
Please be reminded that in order to set up a direct debit with the College for 2024 fees and levies, the completed direct debit authorities form must be forwarded to Louise Graves (lgraves@smc.tas.edu.au) by no later than Friday 23 February 2024.
Murphy's Café
The College Café, Murphy's, operates Monday to Friday for breakfast, recess and lunch from 7.30am to 1.30pm.
Murphy's Café provides delicious and nutritious food – all made onsite with sustainable packaging, free-range eggs and locally sourced ingredients. Click here to read more about our Café.
With our Café operating from 7.30am each morning, we warmly invite our parents and carers to stop by and say hello. Why not grab a barista-made coffee during school drop off or a tasty bite to fuel your working day?
Visit the link below to view and download the Cafe menu and price list for Term 1, 2024.
Midford Uniform Shop
The St Mary’s College Uniform Shop is located just off the Brisbane Street entrance to the school and is managed by Midford.
Throughout the school term, the shop is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8.00am–4.00pm.
For more information, please visit the uniform page on the College website here or contact the Uniform Shop Supervisor, Kim Abel, on 03 6108 2572 or email st.marys@midford.com.au
Bus transport
See the College website here for information on the school bus routes and services available for your area. For the most up-to-date information about bus services, please contact the bus companies directly.
Fountain newsletter
The Fountain newsletter is published fortnightly on a Wednesday and is distributed to families via email. A link to the current edition is also shared on the College Facebook page on the date of publication.
If you are not currently receiving the newsletter, or if your email address has changed recently, please notify the College Business Office.
Let's get social!
What better way to stay connected with St Mary's College than through the photos, stories and videos we share with you on social media!
Like us on Facebook or follow us on Instagram
to keep up to date with our latest news and happenings.
milangkani, our birth to five program, will be back up and running for 2024 on Monday 4 March.
Facilitated by Early Years Coordinator, Meg Kitchen, milangkani provides a variety of play-based educational activities to engage children's learning and curiosity in all areas of development.
Sessions are run on Mondays (term-time only) from 9.15am to 10.45am, and all families in the greater community with children aged between birth to five years are welcome to attend. Learn more and register on the College website.