From the Deputy Principal

Caroline Wilson-Haffenden

The school year has begun with optimism and energy as students settle into a productive routine, ready to learn. This year we celebrate the touchstone of ‘Compassion’.  Compassion is a verb; it requires us to be present, to actively protect, support and be generous toward ourselves and others. At St Mary's College, we are reminded to be people of compassion by expressing kindness, empathy and inclusiveness. 


On this note, I would like to acknowledge the Year 12 students who, on the first day of Term 1, extended a warm welcome to our new and returning students in the form of words of encouragement chalked on the path at the front of the College. It was a powerful gesture by our senior students, fostering a positive and inclusive atmosphere—the perfect start to the new year! 

Communication Flowchart

If you have any questions or concerns, the College’s Communication Flowchart, linked below, outlines who you need to contact for Pastoral or Learning matters relating to your child. It is critical that a positive relationship exists between parents/carers and the College. Please note that teachers will endeavour to respond to parent enquiries within two working days. 

Parent Information Evening / Connect sessions

We look forward to meeting parents and carers at the Junior School and Senior School Parent Information Sessions to be held at the College tomorrow evening (Thursday 15 February). 


The evening will provide you with the opportunity to meet your child's Class Teacher (Junior School) and Pastoral Care Teacher (Senior School). Parents and carers will also receive important information about the College's new learning management system, Connect.

College diary (Year 3-12 students)

The student diary is a valuable aid in developing an organised and disciplined approach to study and school commitments. The diary also outlines some of the College's procedures and policies. 


For parents and carers, it is a place to record communication with the College. Students, parents and carers are asked to sign the first page of the diary to acknowledge that they have read and support the College policies and procedures. 

Online student safety solution 

It is exciting to report that in 2024, to support the wellbeing and safety of students, the College has deployed Saasyan Assure. This online student safety solution will monitor our students' online activity and will alert the College to cyberbullying risks and other threats to student safety and wellbeing. I look forward to providing regular updates on Saasyan Assure in the coming months. In the meantime, please read the update from the College's ICT department to learn more about this new software. 

SchoolTV Special Report: The Wellbeing Barometer 2024

SchoolTV is a wellbeing resource that provides a myriad of strategies to help build relationships, foster connections, enable understanding and break down barriers to navigate a pathway towards better mental health and wellbeing for young people. It can assist in starting conversations on topics that are sometimes awkward or difficult to tackle. 

The SchoolTV Portal can be accessed through the SMC Toolbox on the College’s website here.


The Wellbeing Barometer survey is an invaluable tool for schools, offering insights into the state of youth mental health and wellbeing. This survey is part of an ongoing, longitudinal study, with the results being instrumental in tailoring support for students and their families. 


Participation in the Wellbeing Barometer survey is strongly encouraged as it provides a comprehensive picture of students' experiences, challenges, and achievements over the past year. Responses from this year's survey will assist the College in identifying areas of strength and concern, as well as pinpointing opportunities for early intervention. 

Parents and carers are encouraged to complete either one or both of the surveys (Survey for Primary and/or Survey for Secondary), depending on the age of your children. Please complete one survey for each child. 


Responses remain anonymous and will only be reported on an aggregated basis. Parents and carers are asked to base their responses on observations made in the last 12 months.


Please reflect on the information offered in this Special Report, and as always, we welcome your feedback. If this raises any concerns for you or your child, please reach out to the school or seek professional medical advice. 


Click on the button below to access the Wellbeing Barometer 2024 survey.