Principal's Message

From the Desk of Kathy Nott - Term 1, Week 1

Good Afternoon Parents/Carers,



The staff have had a great day today being involved with Professional Learning and getting ready to welcome back our Yr 1 to 6 students on Thursday 1st February.   We also cannot wait to welcome our Kindergarten class and their families to our school community on Friday 2nd February. 



Our staff for 2024 includes:

Mrs Kathy Nott - Principal

Mrs Liselle Abbott - Assistant Principal Curriculum & Instruction

Mr Neil Wilcox, Mrs Rachel Baldo and Miss Hannah Overell - Classroom Teachers

Ms Helen Schumann - SAM

Ms Barbara Woods - SAO

Mr Donald Peach - AEO

Ms Amanda Toone, Ms Fiona Pearson and Ms Tina Heywood - SLSOs




Uniforms are now available for purchase from the school office.  You may visit us anytime between 8:30am - 3:30pm Monday to Friday.  Please ensure you have cash available as we do not provide eftpos.  All enquiries can be made to the School Office by phoning on 6768 7065 between these times.



Please note that our School Swimming Carnival will take place on Friday 9th February (Week 2).  Information with regards to this event will be sent home shortly.


Once again, I look forward to meeting and getting to know our parents/carers and students in the coming weeks.


Kind regards


Kathy Nott
