From the Principal

It's incredible to think that we are already in the middle of Term 1. A lot has happened this term, and there are a few highlights worth revisiting and celebrating.
Firstly, I would like to thank all the families who came and visited us during Acquaintance night this year. We had over 200 visitors coming through our classes and visiting the Family Expo stalls and barbecue in the main yard. It is great for staff to have a chance to meet, chat and share a sausage with parents, and for the community to catch up with each other over an ice block. It is a very valuable thing to have a community that comes to school and connects with teachers and staff, and we are very lucky to be able to put so many names to faces at the start of the year.
Last week also saw the end of two weeks of swimming at the Largs Bay Swimming Centre. Thank you to all the staff who rearranged their timetables, learning schedules and Yard duties to support each other and to provide such a rich learning experience to all of our students from Reception to year 5.
Looking forward, there are still a lot of exciting things happening in the second half of term, including NAPLAN, a Woodville High School Concert Band incursion and Harmony week.
We will also be engaging with local high schools including Woodville High School for their 'Taste of High School' program, and the Underdale Cup Soccer Tournament at underdale High School. These are great opportunities for our Senior students to get into High Schools and see what specialist programs they have to offer as they and their families decide their next steps in Education.
Looking ahead, in week 8 we will be having our Annual General Meeting.
The Governing Council provides guidance and support across a range of important school decisions and functions. Governing Council members help create an environment where every student can thrive academically and personally, and though which the community can be heard.
We are always keen to hear from any community members who are interested in joining Governing Council. Below is some further information for those who are interested or just curious about the process. The AGM will be held on the 19th of March at 5:30 in the Performing Arts room. All are welcome. For those wishing to nominate, the formal process for nomination to Governing Council is described here
NAPLAN testing will be held between the 13th and 15th of March for students in years 3 & 5 for Literacy & Numeracy. Make up testing will occur in week 8 for those students who miss testing sessions.
More information for families can be found below. If you have any questions or concerns around NAPLAN testing, please talk to classroom teachers or the leadership team.