Kindness Klub

At St Johns Park Public School, we believe that being kind is important to improve our wellbeing and the wellbeing of others. It helps us maintain positive relationships with everyone in our school community. We value promoting kindness wherever we go and in all that we do.


In 2023, we had a total of 413 students and teachers in the Kindness Klub. This is an incredible achievement. We are looking forward to going above and beyond more members in 2024. 


To be part of the Kindness Klub, students are encouraged to show the kindness focus of the week, or  random act of kindness to then receive 1 kindness card. After receiving 4 kindness cards, students will then receive a badge with a certificate during our whole school assembly. This certificate also counts towards a medallion at the end of the year.


In 2024, our new coloured badge is blue. We can't wait to see students and teachers continuing to show kindness.

Kindness Klub Weekly Focus

Week 4: Help someone who may be hurt.

Week 5: Help someone who has dropped something.