Principal's Message

Student Attitudes to School Data

Each year, students in all Victorian primary schools from Years 4, 5 & 6 participate in the Student Attitudes to Schools Survey. The AtoSS is a voluntary annual student survey offered by the Department of Education to assist schools and the department to gain an understanding of students' perceptions and experience of school. We value student voice as a means to improving student engagement, wellbeing and quality instruction and the survey asks students about their thoughts and feelings in relation to their school, their learning, peer relationships, resilience, bullying, health and wellbeing, physical activity, and life in general.


The data from the survey allows us to look at strengths and potential areas of growth within our school and to compare our school’s data against other schools in the network (schools in Whitehorse & Boroondara LGA’s) as well as similar schools (Similar Schools are defined as schools with similar characteristics. This takes into account students’ family background (occupation and education), percentage of non-English background students, enrolment size, and geographic location.)


The 2024 data reflected extremely well on Old Orchard, with Domain and Factor scores higher than Similar, Network and State scores in nearly every measure. 


Junior Concert

Our Prep to Year 3 students are very excited about the upcoming Olympic themed Junior Concert, next Tuesday and Wednesday evenings at the Crossway Centre. We are looking forward to a fun-filled and entertaining couple of nights.



On the theme of performing arts, we have 30 Old Orchard students who will be performing in the Victorian State Schools Spectacular) in September. The VSSS is a massive event and an invaluable performing arts opportunity for Victoria’s government primary and secondary school students.


The program showcases and unites government school communities through working towards a common goal of more students reaching the highest level of achievement in the arts, ensuring kids are happy, healthy and resilient, and building pride in our schools. The Spectacular has become an invaluable rite of passage for Victoria’s top young talent, and a cherished, memorable education experience for all participants.


Our Old Orchard students will be participating as members of the Mass Choir and the Mass Dance group and have been rehearsing at Old Orchard and with several other schools for a few months.


A massive thank-you to Rhiannon Trimby and Nan Ternai who have devoted many hours to supporting the students.

Performing arts and music in primary schools offer a wide range of benefits that contribute to the overall development of children. These benefits include:

  • Cognitive development
  • Emotional & social development
  • Physical development
  • Social skills & teamwork
  • Cultural awareness & appreciation
  • Wellbeing

Incorporating performing arts and music into primary education not only supports academic learning but also nurtures well-rounded, confident, and creative individuals. 


Year 7 Destination Schools

The destination schools of our Year 6 students are always of interest to our school community. We have 70 students in Year 6 who will be attending school in Victoria in 2025. Of these 70 students, 56 (80%) will be attending Government secondary schools and 14 (20%) will be attending non Government schools.  This is a significant change from last year, when the percentage breakdown was approximately 50:50. The detailed summary is included below:

Government schools

Non government schools


Blackburn High School (25)Carey Grammar (2)
Box Hill High School (3)Donvale Christian College (1)
Canterbury Girls Secondary College (6)Luther College (1)
Doncaster Secondary College (2)Our Lady of Sion College (6)
East Doncaster Secondary College (1)Wesley College (2)
Koonung Secondary College (10)Whitefriars (1)
Mullauna College (8)Xavier College (1)
Rowville Secondary College (1) 
Total (25)     80%Total (14)     20%

Year 3 & 4 Camps

Life in the Year 3 & 4 classes has returned to normal following the recent camps at Rumbug and Gundiwindi Lodge. The feedback from students, staff and helpers has been extremely positive and once again reinforces the purpose and benefits of our camping program.


Thank-you to the following staff and helpers who attended the camps for their commitment, support and for giving up time away from their families and daily lives to enable the camps to occur.


Year 4 Camp: Ruth Reading, Nick Hewish, Monique Rollins, Sheree Knight, Jo Simpson, Nicola Major, Duncan Goldsmith and Suzie Franke.


Year 3 Camp: Craig Gooding, Mandy Parke, Milly Bridges, Rhiannon Trimby, Kaye Jones, Clinton Borthwick and Sarah Sofianopoulos.


Building Works - school access

The building works continue at Old Orchard and I again thank everyone for their patience and flexibility during this period. 

As communicated via email this week, the school grounds and buildings will be closed to all visitors this weekend due to asbestos removal works in the school library. Please be assured that the asbestos was not compromised in any way and is being removed as part of the roof replacement works. 



Families are reminded that the Old Orchard Sunsmart Policy is active again from next week. The policy includes furher detail, but the most important requirement is that students must wear a ‘sun-smart’ hat when outdoors.


Dogs in school

As the weather improves, we are seeing more families walking to school and taking the opportunity to include the family dog in the walk. Families are reminded of the following important safety important elements of the Dogs in School Policy.

  • Pet dogs must be leashed at all times and in the control of a responsible adult 
  • Pet dogs must not be tied up on school grounds or left unaccompanied
  • Pet dogs may not enter through the main front gates of the school Attendance Policy Dogs at School Policy Page 2 
  • The area directly outside the Prep dismissal area and the portable dismissal area are dog free zones. Adults with a dog are asked to meet their children on the entry side of the library (court area) 
  • Families that bring dogs to school that exhibit signs of aggressive behaviour, bark, or jump may be asked to leave.


Kind regards

