Music News

JMSS Music Department

Music Camp 


On Thursday, the 8th of August, a bus full of our JMSS music students embarked upon Don Bosco Camp in Safety Beach for the annual Music Camp, which saw students, teachers, and various alumni all join together for three days.

The weekend saw all students engage in many activities, including the camp’s gaga ball pit, and a “murder mystery” activity, organised by our music captains, in which we had to find a missing man “Shawn Smith.” Luckily, Mr. Smith, long-distance doppelganger of Mr. Smyth, was found safe and well. A karaoke machine was also hired for the weekend, and a lot of "interesting" singing was heard. With various solos and duets, it was a great opportunity to get out of your comfort zone and just have a go at making a fool of yourself. Being at Safety Beach too, we also went on multiple walks on the beach, although it was very windy.

Camp also featured numerous music activities, including the first rehearsals for the collective end-of-year performance at Presentation Night. Attendees had the chance to participate in music-related games, join the choir, and, of course, enjoy the beloved talent show. Nearly all music camp attendees, including alumni and teachers, showcased their talents, whether through singing, performing a music cover, presenting an original song, or performing a skit.

As much as music camp is about the music, it was really a great opportunity to get to know our fellow musician peers a lot better, mix with different year levels, and make new friends and connections that you might not normally have the opportunity to make at school. 


~ Elijana Henry




Winter Concert and Victorian School Music Festival


On Monday, August 19th, the John Monash Science School music department presented their annual Winter Concert. Over 100 JMSS musicians participated, showcasing a wide array of artistic and musical talents. The ensembles that performed included:


  • JMSS Jazz Carrots
  • Saxophone Ensemble
  • Chamber Orchestra
  • Guitar Ensemble
  • JMSS Choir with Catalyst Strings
  • Concert Band
  • Catalyst Strings
  • Chamber Choir
  • Flute Ensemble
  • Contemporary Band
  • Stage Band

The concert was a tremendous success, with standing room only. The music captains proved themselves to be exceptionally capable Masters of Ceremony, while Mr. Delves demonstrated that he might best be kept away from the microphone in the future... A huge thanks to all music staff and students, and all families that attended. 


Next Friday, the JMSS Concert Band will compete in the Victorian School Music Festival at the Hawthorn Arts Centre. JMSS will take the stage at 5 p.m., and parents are welcome to attend. The Concert Band will be conducted by Mr. Smyth and Dr. Burke.


Finally, please keep an eye out for upcoming music events, including the String Soirée, the Brass and Woodwind Soirée, the Guitar Soirée, Jazz Night, and Presentation Night.


~ Sean Smyth