Student Awards

Students of the Week
Isabel M, 5C - for demonstrating a constructive and compassionate attitude in class and consistently progressing in her learning.
Charlie M, 2D - for being such an amazing person and a wonderful role model to his peers.
Zac K, 3B - for being such a respectful and responsible member of our classroom. You are always going out of your way to help!
Emery L, 1D - for consistently demonstrating the HERRRBy values in the classroom and yard. You are a great role model for your peers.
Green HERRRBY Award
Leo S, PD - for bringing in rubbish free lunches and caring about the environment. You are making the world a better place.
STEM Award
Aaron K, 1A for his outstanding focus during our Expert In Residence program and asking most interesting questions. We all appreciated your help in cleaning up!
Remy W, PA - for showing the HERRRBy values in everything that he does. We love your can-do attitude towards learning!
Hudson S, PB - for consistently working hard to produce your own voice in writing and create grammatically correct sentences using the conjunction, but. Wow. Well done!
Oscar B, PC - for writing incredible sentences, using an adjective, noun, verb and now conjunctions. It is very impressive, keep up the good work!
Hunter L, 1A - for his contagious enthusiasm during our Ripponlea excursion and fully participating in all the activities especially wringing out the wet washing!
Lonnie J, 1B - for always aiming high and achieving your learning goals (and doing so while providing the class with endless entertainment!). Your smile is contagious.
Skyler F, 1C - for her enthusiastic participation in all the activities at our Rippon Lea excursion. You really got into the spirit of the occasion.
Reuben Y, 1D - for being an enthusiastic learner. You always have interesting facts and personal connections to contribute to the class.
Ty R, 2A - for being such an outstanding team player when building our boats in Inquiry. You listened to everyone and made sure each person had a fair chance during the creation!
Jack E, 2B - for being an outstanding mathematician who can always be relied upon to add up our house points each week.
Natalie S, 2C - for being a supportive and empathetic friend. You are always looking out for everyone and showing HERRRby values. Keep it up!
Tanya H, 3A - for working really hard when practising for our Poetry Slam. We can’t wait to see how you go!
Parker H, 3C - for his impressive knowledge of woodwork tools used in our incursion. You were an expert!
Bonnie Q, 4B - for being a fantastic classmate who is always kind and gives her best.
Arielle D, 4C - for being a fabulous member of 4C and always making us smile.
Henry J, 5A - for a more conscientious approach to classwork and homework! Well done Henry!
William J, 5B - for producing work of a very high standard.
Jamie P, 5D - for his outstanding performance at the GPS House Athletics. Congratulations!
Jake R, 6A - for being respectful, hardworking and kind every day. You are a real leader, Jake.
Sophie M, 6B - for putting in exceptional effort into your class and homework. Keep up the sensational work!
Nancy F, 6B - for constantly setting an example for your peers with your work ethic and attitude. You rock!
Olivia S, 6C - for her magical poem she wrote for the Big Write - It was such a pleasure to read!
Tess W, 6D - for the leadership, creativity and entertainment she brings to our classroom yet also for her diligent work habits and excellent concentration.
Japanese Ninja Star Awards
Leo R, 3A - for being a keen participant and working well with his team during the Japanese class.すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!
Polly F, 4B - for showing positive vibes and enthusiastically participating in many activities during the Japanese class. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!
Ava W, 5A - for working diligently and practising Japanese speeches during the class.
すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!
Benji G, 6C - for deepening his understanding and knowledge about Japanese culture by asking various questions.すばらしい です! Subarashii desu
Scottie K, PA - for bringing cheerful vibes to the Japanese classroom and enthusiastically trying various language activities. すばらしいです! Subarashii desu!
Arlo S, 1C - for demonstrating HERRRBY values during the lesson and being an active participant in all Japanese activities. すばらしいです! Subarashii desu!
Eden K, 2A - for trying his best and writing Hiragana letters very neatly and accurately.
すばらしいです! Subarashii desu!