Principal's Report

It almost seems surreal to write the following words ….. our truly incredible Assistant Principal, Julie Pitts, has announced she will be retiring on 17th October. Julie has worked at Gardenvale since 1998. Much will be written and said in the coming months about the impact Julie has had on nearly every facet of our school.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
On Sunday, our wonderful supportive school community came to the fore at our Prep and Year 4 Working Bee. The weather was perfect for working outside! We were so pleased we were able to complete our long list of jobs. As has been said on many occasions working bees are great places for our community members to work together to achieve great things - we can’t thank you enough!! Both Campuses looked amazing after 2 hours of cleaning, blowing, mowing, digging, weeding, whipper snippering and pruning. Mrs Pitts was also very grateful to have some tasks completed for the musical!
Thank you very much to the following school community members, staff members and families for helping to make both Campuses look extra neat and tidy: Simon Balmer, Penina Berkovic, John Bissinella, Amit and Noam Bosak, Sam Burns, Andrew Cameron, Jittu and Preetha Chandramouli, Stefan Engvall, Elysia Ferguson, Rebecca Finn, Lance and Liza Friedman, Claudia Greenstone, Anna Hoadley, Jordan and Lea Hooper, Hayley and Martin Kangisser, Kat Koenig, Jaehee Lee, Fairlie Mahemoff, Jeff Muir, Phil Nixon, Lina Papalia, Cara and Matt Papatheohari, Julie Pitts, Beth Poulter, Debbie Powell, Briana Pudel, Jase Schattner, Naomi and Sam Richter, Andrew Ryan, Boyd Smart, Monique Sweetland, Sharon Teicher, Elise Venditti, Kim Webster, Fiona and Jonathan Yap, Chris Yianni, Amy and Matt Zaltsberg, Adrian Zandberg, Jessie Zhang and Vincent Zhang. Sincere apologies if your name is not on this list but we appreciate your help all the same! We also thank the many children that pitched in and helped.
Our Year 3 Working Bee will be held on Sunday 20th October.
Book Week Parade
A reminder on Friday 23rd August, Gardenvale PS will celebrate 2024 Children's Book Week with a whole-school Book Parade. The parade will be held at the Senior Campus under the COLA just after 9.00am and parents are invited to attend.
The theme is 'Reading is Magical’. Children are welcome to dress as their favourite character or book cover or something that inspires them.
Year 1 Ripponlea Excursion
It was so lovely to see two of our Year 1 classes dressed up in ‘olden day clothes’ heading off on their excursion to Ripponlea as part of their Inquiry Unit ’Looking Back’.
Hope you have a lovely week, Janine