Performing Arts News

Beauty & The Beast – Theatre Excursion
On Wednesday 4 September the Year 9 & Year10 Performing Arts classes headed into the Melbourne CBD to see Beauty & The Beast the Musical. They were joined by the Performing Arts Captains and members of the Tech Crew, it was terrific to witness such creative and enthusiastic theatre students enjoying a world class production.
The students had a fantastic time on the day, starting with a feast at Melbourne Central, followed by a pleasant stroll in sunny weather down Lonsdale Street to Her Majesty’s Theatre.
Student Report
There is something incredibly unique about watching a performance of a show you have performed in yourself. I was lucky enough to play the role of Lumiere in our 50th Anniversary Concert earlier this year, so sitting down and seeing the ornate design that is at once both familiar and foreign fills you with an indescribable feeling. It is my opinion that you cannot truly appreciate the skill of a professional production until you have tried to perform on stage yourself.
Watching from up high I was immediately taken by how effortlessly the actors commanded the stage. Beneath the boiling spotlights they swayed and sung, drawing hundreds of pairs of eyes.
Interestingly, the single most memorable moment to me was a mistake. At the beginning of Lumiere’s song Be Our Guest a bright pink curtain descended. On its way down it snagged, and a section did not fully reach the stage. The reason this stood out so much was that it was so very humanising. Caught up in the splendour of the show it is easy to forget that every single performer on stage is also a person. This one mistake did not even phase the performers, who continued on, not taking notice of the problem. It revealed what I believe to be the greatest message of a show; mistakes are inevitable, it is how you handle them that truly matters.
By Harris 10L
Semester Two Events - Term Four
- Week 4: Year 9 & Year 10 Performing Arts Showcase – Thursday 31 October
- Week 4: Dance Club Performance – Thursday 31 October
Evan Jones
Performing Arts