Praise and Prayer Points
Praise Points
- Having Mr Greenwood on Campus covering for Mrs Polden while she is on long service leave
- For our Administration staff and all they do for the school
- That we were able to celebrate our dads on Friday with a Father's Day Breakfast
- For our Learning Support Aides and all that they bring to the school
- Guest speaker Reggie Dabbs who visited our school this week
- Volunteers in our school
Prayer Points
- For those in our school community affected by the wild weather over the last few days
- For protection and safety of our students and families in the recent weather conditions
- For the new families who have joined our school to quickly feel part of our community
- New staff on both campuses
- Circular Head Christian School
- Year 10 students on work experience
As a school, we like to pray for both our school and the wider community.
You are invited to join with others in our community in prayer, each Monday Morning at 9.00am - 10.00am Ulverstone Campus. Please sign in at Reception.