Mental Health and Wellbeing
Sand Pit Toys: Please Help
Dear Families,
Many of our students have been playing in both of our sandpits, creating amazing sculptures and imaginary worlds. I often walk past and marvel at what they are up to. Playing with friends in the sandpits gives then the opportunity to practise and learn many skills that will help them in their lives.
One thing that I do notice is that we don’t have many toys for our kids to play with. As the Dove Op Shop recently donated some money to our school, I wondered what we could do. They specified that the donation was to be put towards something in the wellbeing area. Ryan (DI Leader), Rhonda (Chaplain) and I put our heads together and decided to work with John from the Ocean Grove Men’s Shed. John and his team built us two new storage boxes for sandpit toys. They have recently been installed and are ready to be filled.
On behalf of our students, we are requesting any unused or unwanted sandpit toys to donate to our school. We are looking for things like:
-Tonka toys
-kitchen equipment for the mud kitchen
-sandcastle moulds.
If you have anything, or spot something at a garage sale or op shop, please bring it along to school and leave it in one of the sandpits, either near the Prep area or in the new playground behind the bike shed.
The Peer Mediators will put the toys away over the weekends and holidays to keep them safe.
Thanks for helping make our school even better.
Andy McNeilly
Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader