Religious Education and Social Justice

Happy Fathers' Day
In March each year, the Church celebrates the Feast of St. Joseph, patron saint of the universal church and Jesus’ earthly father.
Even though God was Jesus' father, St. Joseph lovingly took on the paternal role and taught the young Jesus various skills, the value of work, reverence for the Lord, and fidelity and obedience to God’s will.
St Joseph also had to keep his family safe during the difficult period of their exile to Egypt, which makes him a special example for refugees and those facing persecution.
This Fathers’ Day we pray for all fathers, grandfathers and other significant men who play a role in the lives of our students.
Lord, thank you for all fathers.
For the new ones,
who endure sleepless nights
with infants in arms.
For the busy ones,
who juggle the pressures of home
and family life.
For the steadfast ones,
who nurture and care for our
special vulnerable children.
For the patient ones,
who always seek to forgive
and engage with their pre-teens.
For the persistent ones,
who cleverly find new ways
to connect with their mini-adults.
For the father uncles,
who step in to care for nieces and nephews.
For all granddads, who love and support their precious grandchildren.
For the dads who give far beyond
their own resources,
who overcome disability to cherish and love.
For the fathers in Heaven
who are no longer with us.
Thank you, Lord,
for all our beautiful fathers.
Help us to support them and keep them
in our prayers.
May you bless them now on their special day.
Jane Wilkinson
Religious Education Leader