Deputy Principal 


Dear Families,

Wednesday was a spectacular Book Week Parade day, filled with joy and imagination! The event was an amazing success, with our students showcasing their creativity and love for reading through fantastic costumes and characters from a variety of beloved books. From Harry Potter to whimsical creations, the parade was a true visual delight.


The theme of 'Reading is Magic' came to life beautifully as children participated in magical activities such as crafting wands, designing hats, creating quilts, and blowing bubbles. It was heartwarming to see how engaged and enthusiastic everyone was.


A huge congratulations to our amazing students, dedicated teachers, and supportive families for making this event so memorable. A special thank you goes to Rosetta, our incredible librarian, whose passion and hard work made this celebration of literature possible.


Thank you all for your continued support and enthusiasm. We look forward to more magical moments!


2024 Premier's Reading Challenge!

🌟  We have 68 children participating, sixteeen have completed the challenge, collectively read and verified 759 books. Amazing work, Sacred Heart Team! 


To login: Victorian Premiers Reading Challenge 

Scroll down to the box that says: 

“VPRC -For Government, Catholic, Independent and Home based readers”

End Friday 6th  Sep, 2024 16 days left


🌍 Our Place, Our World! An Exhibition of Inquiry Learning: 

Thursday 12th September🌟

Sacred Heart will soon come together to celebrate the incredible learning achieved through our Inquiry Learning. We are excited to showcase students' stories, artwork, and music from various cultures around the world. Please mark your calendars and keep the date free, more details will be shared soon. 

We look forward to celebrating with you!


Have a fantastic week!
