Principal News

Dear Sacred Heart Community,
With this weekend being the last weekend of winter we pray
Book Week
In the classroom news section of this newsletter you can see many pictures from yesterday's book parade. Can I thank Rosetta and Antoinette for such a magnificent day. Their planning and the willingness of all staff to embrace the day gave our students and their parents a day they will long remember. One of our mums Tissa set up a group app for our foundation parents earlier in the year and yesterday shared with me some of their responses to book week events. Needless to say they just love events such as yesterday.
Many of you will remember the special event that took place last term with the Baptism of sisters Suzanna and Samantha. This morning they were presented with their Baptism certificates by Father Aloysius.
Daffodil Day Fundraiser
As mentioned in last week's newsletter like most of us within the Sacred Heart community, our Year Six student Alex has had to experience the death of a loved one with cancer. Alex's dear Nunno and Chico both died from cancer in the past few years and have left Alex's family coming to terms with the insidious disease we know as cancer.
In memory of his Nunno and Chico, Alex and our social justice leaders Bhavin and Izaac are organising a fund raiser for research into eliminating cancer.
On Tuesday September 3rd, we are having a walk-a-thon around our school to raise much needed funds for the Olivia Newton John hospital.
On Monday a sponsorship form will be sent home with each student.
Congratulations to Alex on showing great initiative in proposing and organising this event.
Grilled Northland - Donation to Sacred Heart
As mentioned in last week's newsletter, Grilled Northland have chosen our school as a community partner for the month of September. During September all customers are given a token to place in the jar of the community partner they would most like to support. The community partner with the most tokens is given a valuable financial reward. As someone who likes his burgers, I can recommend the Grilled Zen Hen!
Meet some of our Foundation class 2025 students
Father's Day Stall
Our Father's Day Stall will take place this Friday 30th August. All classes will visit the stall in the morning and have an opportunity to purchase a present for the special male figure in their lives. All presents are $5.00 with students having the opportunity to purchase two gifts. If any gifts are left over then students if they wish can purchase another gift.
We ask that our Foundation class students bring their money in an envelop before Friday to help with their purchasing on the day.
I also know that our Parents and Friend's group would appreciate any assistance next Friday with the stall commencing just after 9.00am.
Some Scenes from this Week at Sacred Heart
Daisy, the brand new daughter of Paige (aunty of our students Jacob and Eva) visited our school for the first time yesterday for our Book Week Parade. As you can see, she is beautiful and like all babies, enjoys the comfort of a warm blanket.
Exhibition of Learning
Save the Date
CDS Fundraiser/Environment Initiative
Thank you to our families who continue to support this initiative. Each month were are getting closer to the "magic $50.00" raised for our school.
Yours Sincerely