In the last week of term 3, semester 2, the Year 10 Biology cohort delved into the beginning of the Genetics unit, specifically looking into DNA. To further our understanding of this topic, we were able to conduct an exciting experiment where we extracted DNA from strawberries.
Firstly, we squeezed strawberries inside of a ziplock bag to separate the solid part of the strawberry from the liquid part of the strawberry, making it easier for us to extract the DNA later on. Next, we mixed the squashed strawberries with an extraction solution for a couple of minutes. After we were done handling the strawberries, we laid a filter paper cloth inside of a funnel going into a test tube and poured our strawberry mixture into the funnel to receive the liquid part of the strawberry only. We then let the liquid sit in the test tube for a minute to try and get as many bubbles to disappear as possible.
Next, we carefully poured the isopropyl solution down the side of the tube into the strawberries slowly, which would be the solution to extract the DNA out of the mixture. We eagerly waited for 2-3 minutes to let the isopropyl solution do its magic. Then the DNA started to appear, and semi-clear clustered strands of DNA started rising from the strawberry extract.
Overall, this experiment was the most enjoyable so far, and also the most informative and relevant experiment to our current topic. It was definitely one of our highlights in Biology for Year 10.
Anvi Gundala & Emma Pham, Year 10