Current News

TERM 3 FINISHES (Friday 20th September at 1pm)
TERM 4 RESUMES (Monday 7th October)
Dear Families,
What an amazing and busy term we have had with so many learning opportunities and great community events.
In asking the students and staff what they are grateful for this term, this is what they said-
Prep D
We are grateful for our teachers and our friends. We are grateful for the Lord, the earth, food and water. We are grateful for all of the love and prayers in the world and Jesus. We are grateful for God’s creatures and our pets.
Prep I
We are grateful for our school, our friends and for the things we have to help us learn. We are also grateful for learning and our teachers.
We are grateful for the art work that we get to do, especially for our Dioramas because we got to use clay and make sea creatures.
We are grateful for our friends because we get to play with them and because they are kind to us.
We are grateful for nature, our homes, food and water. For our teachers and friends and for being able to learn at Holy Family.
We are grateful for our friends and teachers, trees and flowers.
We are grateful for our families.
We are grateful for our classmates.
We are grateful for our play equipment and playground.
We are grateful to have the opportunity to learn.
We are grateful for our amazing art works we have created. We have had so much fun!
We are grateful for learning about ancient Rome. It has been so interesting learning about their culture and how they lived all those years ago.
We are grateful for each other!
We are grateful for the new climbing frame because it is a lot of fun and we can see over the whole school from the top.
We are grateful for the art we have been learning about and making for the Visual Art Show because we didn’t know anything about mosaics before this term and they have been really fun to make.
We are also really grateful for the friends that we have and their support throughout this term.
We are grateful for the new climbing frame because it has been a lot of fun to climb to the top!
We are grateful for our friends
We are grateful for learning about ancient Rome and for making our art pieces like the romans
We are grateful for the new climbing frame, being able to go to camp, our amazing teachers. making pots for Art, our learning resources, going to the Athletics and the equipment we get to use outside.
We are grateful for having the opportunity to do pottery and research about Ancient Greek Gods.
We are grateful that we had the opportunity to go on camp, and enjoy all of the activities that were prepared.
We are grateful for camp because the activities increased our confidence
We are grateful for the art show because we were able to be creative and to express our talents and skills
We are grateful for all the extra activities we have been involved in this term, including STEM, extra sports, incursions and excursions.
We are grateful for a fabulous camp experience at Alexandra Adventure Resort.
We are grateful for our Art show and the Art skills and activities we have worked on, in particular papier mache and the pottery!
We are grateful for all the different classes that we have for our learning, including Auslan, Sport, Maths and Writing.
We are grateful for all the opportunities we have such as leadership for Year 5s and graduation activities we are planning for.
A safe and healthy place to work.
Supportive colleagues
Happy & enthusiastic students
Outstanding Learning Support Staff
Professional learning to improve student results
Supportive parents/families
Exemplary student leadership
Being part of a great staff team and community
Miss King and her dress ups! (I didn't write that!!!)
The variety of resources available for both students and teachers
Professional learning opportunities on a wide range of topics
Huge smiles and happy greetings from students in the playground
Staff working to put the children’s needs first
For a friendly happy work place..
Staff Leave
We wish the following staff a safe and happy break at the beginning of term 4-
Mrs David will be taking leave for the first two weeks of term 4.
Mrs Andrea Smith will be on long service leave for the first 5 weeks of term 4. We welcome Ms Rachel McElhatton to our community in her time replacing Andrea.
Ms Juliette Foenander will be on leave for the first week of term 4. Mrs Lena Papadatos will be replacing Juliette.
Ms Susan Michelsson will be on leave for the first week of term 4. Mr Ciaran O'Connor will be replacing Susan.
Thank you to those families in Years Prep to Year 4 who have participated in our School Improvement Survey this year. The survey window has been extended until this Sunday 22nd September 2024 as we have only had a 25% response rate. If you haven't had a chance to complete the survey yet, you still have time! We would really appreciate your support in doing this as it helps us set our goals moving forward.
Please read the attached letter which includes further information about the survey.
Bully No Way Day
Thank you to all students for their involvement last Friday. There were many 'touches of orange' visible at school. Thank you too to the Parents and Friends for organising the special lunch day.
Footy Colours Day
To celebrate the AFL Finals all students are to wear their football team's colours to school on Friday 20th September (last day of term). Just a reminder that there is to be no coloured hair spray or face paint worn to school.
Running Club tomorrow
As Mrs Michelsson is on leave there will be no running club tomorrow.
Step Into Prep
Over the last month or so, we have welcomed our 2025 Preps to come to school to join in some storytime and physical education sessions. We look forward to seeing our 2025 Preps next term as they begin their formal transition sessions for school.
Chess for Schools
Congratulations to the Term 3 Chess champions from the afterschool chess club-
1st place- Best & Fairest- Victor Tai
2nd place- Silver Grasshopper Badge- Oliver Hanafi
3rd place- Bronze Grasshopper Badge- James Papalia
Soft Plastics Recycling
Just a reminder to collect soft plastics if you are on the roster for next term.
Term 4 Dates
Monday 7th - Term 4 commences
Wednesday 9th - Division Track and Field
Wednesday 16th - Division Basketball
Wednesday 16th - Prep 2025 Information Evening
Friday 18th October- Year 5/6 excursion to Scienceworks
Tuesday 22nd - Prep 2025 (Transition 1)
Thursday 24th - EMR Track and Field
Friday 25th - Year 1/2 Camp Day (Arrabri Lodge)
Tuesday 29th - Prep 2025 (Transition 2)
Monday 4th - School Closure (Time in Lieu Day for staff)
Tuesday 5th - School Closure (Melbourne Cup Day)
Monday 11th - Remembrance Day
Tuesday 12th - Prep 2025 (Transition 3)
Wednesday 13th - P&F, SAC AGMs
Tuesday 19th - Prep 2025 (Transition 4)
Tuesday 26th - Prep 2025 (Transition 5)
Friday 29th - School Closure Day (2025 Planning)
Monday 2 - Swimming Program (Prep-Year 4)
Thursday 5th - Community Christmas Carols
Tuesday 10th- Year 6 Graduation
Friday 13th - End of Year Mass (9:15am)
Monday 16th - Year 6 Big Day Out
Tuesday 17th - Final Assembly (11:30am-1pm)
Tuesday 17th - Last day for students (1pm finish)
Wishing everyone a safe and relaxing school holiday break,
Eithne King
Acting Principal