Grade 1/2 News
As we come to the end of Term Three, we reflect on all of the learning that has been accomplished this term.
It has been a very busy term full of fun and exciting learning opportunities.
Over the last two weeks, the students have been lucky to participate in both the Athletics Day and Italian day. This week, the students will have the opportunity to experience the Dome, where they will learn about the night sky.
Athletics Day was a fun and exciting day.
All of the students demonstrated excellent team work skills and supported each other as they completed in a range of different events.
Italian Day : Last Wednesday, the students were fortunate enough to engage in a number of activities which celebrated Italian Culture.
Led by the Year 10 and 11 Italian students from Galen, the students learnt traditional Italian games, played Soccer, created Italian inspired Street art, coloured in flags and played tombola.
At the end of the day, they sang and danced to traditional Italian songs.
Maths: Over the last three weeks, the students have been learning about multiplication and division.
They have been learning about to solve a range of problems using arrays.