
What is Happening in Science?
We are wrapping up a busy term 3 for Science. Our year 12 students are getting ready for their final exams and have all been given practice exams which they will receive formative feedback.
Our year 12 Chemistry students recently attended a VCE Masterclass at KIOSC where they had the opportunity to use analytical chemistry technologies and techniques that schools are unable to provide. This experience is designed to compliment the theory in unit 4 and deepen student understanding of these applications.
As part of the year 8 energy unit, our students also attended KIOSC for a program explores the challenges of energy use and climate change.
They investigated how can we use new technologies and innovation to decrease the impact of climate change on our planet. Finally, they were given an introduction to concept of hydrogen fueled cars they will explore later in more depth.
We also had the opportunity to host grade 5 students to give them a taster of the secondary school science we offer here at Scoresby. They enthusiastically participated in the sessions we ran, which was fantastic to see.
Mr George Wardle
Science Leader