Junior School Report

Term 3 News
The end of term 3 is in sight, the sky is brightening up and the weather is as volatile as ever. Our Junior School Students have been working hard at school and enjoying the various opportunities that this term has presented them.
Year 7: We had our final year 7 sports day for the year which involved table tennis and basketball. For more thorough details please refer to the sports segment of the newsletter but that was a super enjoyable day where the students did the school extremely proud with the way they played and embodied the school values. The year 7’s also completed their backyard design projects in maths which was a long task for a lot of them. Some very creative designs were brought in and the voting experience was one I’m sure they won’t soon forget.
Year 8: The year 8 group has been finalizing what year 9 looks for them with some subject selections and a small group going through the application process for Leadership Camp for next year. 7 of our best and brightest have put their hand up for the 4 positions available to our school. All of the students would be great choices so it’s up to them to put on display the things that make them the most suitable to take up such an experience.
Year 9: Finally, the year 9’s students. A select few were given the opportunity to go and see what TAFE could offer them on the 6/9 and experience what the world of trades has in store for them should they choose that path. They are also in the midst of finalizing their subjects in hopes that they all get the subjects they want for next year.
The end of the term is near, but the students haven’t shown any signs of slowing down. Their passion and love for learning is always on full display. It’s been a great term here at Scoresby and we really look forward to term 4!
Mr Daniel Croft
Head of Junior School