Principal's Report

End of term 3
As term 3 draws to a close, it was a pleasure to hold our final assembly a day early to include our VCE VM cohort, as they are on work placements on Fridays.
Students were able to showcase their talents through musical performances, and our college captains professionally facilitated an interview to enlighten students about one of our staff members as an individual.
The assembly provided me with the opportunity to share the outcome of student voice and agency interactions throughout this term.
Items such as the introduction of a college tracksuit to be worn on days when students have PE or sport from semester 2, 2025, improved materials and cuts so that uniform items better fit a variety of body types, the introduction of a year 8 camp and a year 10/11 camp, increased student input into the 2025 Year 12 Jackets, the introduction of a senior school social to be held early in 2025, and broadened elective choices for year 10 students.
Additionally, four of our Year 9 students have recently been selected to attend the Alpine School in term 3, 2025 and 24 Year 8 students have been selected to attend the Bogong Outdoor Adventure School for a week in 2025.
Our college captain selection process will shortly open to enable aspiring student leaders to apply for the privilege, through a variety of selection criteria.
The student leadership body has worked to raise funds for those less fortunate than themselves, through casual dress days and special lunches, and year 7 leaders hosted students from their primary schools as they explored secondary schooling.
Students challenging themselves and trying new things throughout this term has been pleasing to see and I congratulate them; and thank the teachers who have worked to support, encourage and motivate the students, often giving of their personal time after school and on weekends.
Our Year 12 students will have a working holiday in preparation for the exams, with their teachers making themselves available to support students as they undertake practice exams.
The Knox school’s revision program will run at the Bayswater Community Centre for three days next week, where expert practitioners will guide students in relation to how to best prepare for exams.
I wish all students and their families a happy and safe holiday break.
Mr Ayman Youssef
Acting Principal