
Pathways and Careers
School Based Apprenticeship (SBAT)
Congratulations to Sean Bernard, the first student at Scoresby Secondary College to be accepted and start his journey in the automotive industry in a school-based apprenticeship.
Sean’s journey started as a young boy with his interest in cars and their mechanics which lead him in Year 10 to complete his work experience in the automotive industry. Sean also took up a second-round offer of work experience at the end of year, again in an automotive workshop.
Knowing what his passion was he knew exactly what he wanted to do when finishing school so applied for a place in the VCE-Vocational Major Pathway. Sean spent the first 3 terms completing a Certificate II in Automotive at TAFE alongside working 1 day a week.
When the opportunity presented for Scoresby Secondary College to commence School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships, Sean jumped at it.
Completing step by step all the processes involved, including a panel interview, then further interviews with VACC (Victorian Automotive Chamber of Commerce) and induction days in Port Melbourne.
Sean has now settled into his SBAT with Ferntree Gully Motor Group. He is currently at school 3 days, competing his Certificate III in Automotive and is currently working 1 day a week.
By completing a SBAT, Sean not only gets paid apprentice wages for his placement but will be able to knock 6-12months off his apprenticeship time when he leaves school while still completing his VCE.
“I am enjoying going to work and earning money, while being able to come to school and hang out with my mates and still getting to gain my VCE and enjoying all the school events. It’s the best of both worlds.”
Sean Bernard
Headstart Program
Headstart in conjunction with Scoresby Secondary College will be hosting an information session on SBAT’s for all current VCE-VM students and 2025 accepted students and families on the Thursday 10 October at 2pm.
This will also be live streamed and recorded for any families that are unable to attend on the day. Further information will be posted directly to families and on compass in the near future.
VTAC Application
The deadline for timely VTAC applications is 5pm, Monday 30th September 2024. Special consideration (SEAS) and scholarship applications close on the 11 October, 2024. Find all deadlines and important dates here.
Students have been meeting 1:1 with the careers and pathways department, however if you have any further questions or queries, I strongly encourage you to reach out directly a make a time to see Tanya.
Construction Immersion Day
On Friday 6th September some students in year 9 had the opportunity to learn about the many careers and pathways in the construction sector and Big Build projects through Holmesglen Institute at their Drummond Street Campus. Students participated in hands-on workshops and activities, engaged with guest speakers currently in the industry and learnt about civic construction and the exciting infrastructure projects taking place across Victoria.
As you can see, if was a very engaging and interactive way of learning about new career paths and opportunities.
Career News
The September Careers Newsletter
is now available for viewing, please click on the link below.
Items in the Career News include –
- Dates to Diarise in Term 4
- Reminder: VTAC 2025 Upcoming Key Dates
- New Diploma of Radiation Science at RMIT
- New Majors in the Bachelor of Biomedicine at La Trobe
- News from Monash University
- New Courses and/or Majors/Minors in 2025
- Pathways into the Bachelor of Education
- Bachelor of Educational Studies at ACU
- Diploma in General Studies (DiGS) at the University of Melbourne
- Cetacean Sisters - Inspiring Future Female Scientists through Cetacean Science Workshops
- Yarra Ranges Apprenticeship and Career Night
- Media, Communication & Journalism Degrees in Victoria in 2024
- Snapshot of the University of Tasmania (UTAS) in 2024
I wish everyone a wonderful and safe spring break. For any Career, Pathway or VET guidance, please contact Tanya or call into the career’s office.
Tanya Molloy
Career, Pathways and VET Coordinator